5. Reference

The entries in this section provide a complete reference to all datatypes and functions of the MGRID Healthcare Datatype Library.

5.1. HDM RIM implementation

The MGRID HDM is a database implementation of the HL7v3 RIM. This section describes how class relations, class connections and datatypes are implemented for the PostgreSQL database servers.

5.1.1. Classes and attributes

RIM classes are implemented with database tables. Each class attribute is implemented with a column in the corresponding database table. Besides columns for the class attributes, additional columns are added to each table. The additional columns are prepended by _.

  1. _id is the internal id used by the system. Upon insertion of new records, the database server will assign numbers to this column from the sequence "InfrastructureRoot__id_seq". Since every other RIM class is a child class of InfrastructureRoot, all other tables in the RIM have the _id column as well, and are associated with the sequence "InfrastructureRoot__id_seq".
  2. _mif is a column storing meta information about the message received. It is populated by the message parsers generated with the MGRID Messaging SDK.
  3. _clonename is a column storing meta information about the message received. It is populated by the message parsers generated with the MGRID Messaging SDK.

You can use the psql \d command to inspect tables.

lake=# \d
                        List of relations
 Schema |                Name                |   Type   | Owner
 public | Access                             | table    | hcuser
 public | Account                            | table    | hcuser
 public | Acknowledgement                    | table    | hcuser
 public | AcknowledgementDetail              | table    | hcuser
 public | Act                                | table    | hcuser
 public | ActRelationship                    | table    | hcuser
 public | Attachment                         | table    | hcuser
 public | AttentionLine                      | table    | hcuser
 public | Batch                              | table    | hcuser
 public | SubstanceAdministration            | table    | hcuser
 public | Supply                             | table    | hcuser
 public | Transmission                       | table    | hcuser
 public | TransmissionRelationship           | table    | hcuser
 public | Transmission_CommunicationFunction | table    | hcuser
 public | WorkingList                        | table    | hcuser
(62 rows)

The InfrastructureRoot is the root class of the RIM.

\d "InfrastructureRoot"
                                   Unlogged table "rim2011.InfrastructureRoot"
     Column      |           Type           |                             Modifiers
 _id             | bigint                   | not null default nextval('"InfrastructureRoot__id_seq"'::regclass)
 _mif            | text                     |
 _clonename      | text                     |
 nullFlavor      | cv('NullFlavor','CNE')   |
 realmCode       | set('Realm')             |
 typeId          | "II"                     |
 templateId      | "LIST_II"                |
    "InfrastructureRoot_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (_id)
Number of child tables: 17 (Use \d+ to list them.)

5.1.2. Class hierarchy

The class hierarchy is implemented with PostgreSQL table inheritance. Using table inheritance has as benefit that when a top level table is queried or updated, the query or update will incorporate rows of inheritance child tables. The drawback of using inheritance is that it is not possible to have the database server automatically enforce foreign key constraints.

5.1.3. Class connections

Connections between RIM classes, such as the connection between Role and Entity, are implemented by additional columns. These columns are added to the table of the connection side with maximum multiplicity = 1, using the name of the connection for that connection side. In the table below, player and scoper have been added to persist the connections to the corresponding records in the Entity table hierarchy, referencing the Entity._id column.

\d "Role"
                                               Unlogged table "rim2011.Role"
           Column           |           Type           |                             Modifiers
 _id                        | bigint                   | not null default nextval('"InfrastructureRoot__id_seq"'::regclass)
 _mif                       | text                     |
 _clonename                 | text                     |
 nullFlavor                 | "CS"                     |
 realmCode                  | set                      |
 typeId                     | "II"                     |
 templateId                 | "LIST_II"                |
 player                     | bigint                   |
 scoper                     | bigint                   |

5.1.4. Complex and simple types in the HDM

Most table columns have a complex type as their column type. For some types the simple type version was chosen to implement RIM table columns. Use \d <tablename> to check the type of a column.

5.2. Complex Types

All Healthcare Datatypes have ‘Complex Type’ implementation, which are types with a JSON literal form. On input, valid keys and value types will be checked. All complex types are indexable using Gist and Gin indexes, for fast lookups with certain operator symbols.

The complex types R1 are listed in List of Complex Types R1. The complex types R2 are listed in List of Complex Types R2. The differences between simple and complex Healthcare Datatypes are described in Complex and Simple types.

5.2.1. Installation

Before the complex types can be used, they must be installed in a database by running a separate SQL script, which is described in Administrators Guide.

5.2.2. Operators on complex types

Table Operators on complex types lists the operators that can be used to get elements from complex type, query if a complex type contains a value, and operators to construct complex types.

5.2.3. Operators on complex types

Operat or Right operand type Return s Description
-> integer ANY Get complex type array element, indexed from 0.
->> integer text Get complex type array element, indexed from 0.
-> text ANY Get complex type property on key name.
->> text text Get complex type property on key name.
@> ANY bool Returns true if the left value contains the right value.
<@ ANY bool Returns true if the left value is contained in the right value.
= ANY bool Equality on a complex type. The equality on ANY and all subtypes is defined as equal iff all compositional properties are equal (identity).
<> ANY bool Inequality on a complex type.
|| ANY SET Append two complex types to form a collection complex type. If the left argument complex type is an array, the right argument is appended to that array. If the left argument is an object, a new array is formed with the left and right arguments as respective elements.

Append two complex types to form a collection complex type. If the left argument complex type is an array, the right argument is appended to that array. If the left argument is an object, a new array is formed with the left and right arguments as respective elements.

5.2.4. Complex Data Value Instantiation

Complex values can be created either by input of a JSON string literal, or a more convenient way by using the supplied ‘..inval’ functions, that given the types compositional properties as input, generates a JSON literal value. These ‘..inval’ functions can be used by automated HL7v3 XML transformers to automatically create SQL, such as MGRID’s CDA R2 and HL7v3 Clinical Statement transformers.

As these examples show, constructing complex types can result in large expressions. Under normal circumstances, these expressions are generated by programs such as the message parser generater described in chapter Importing xml messages, not by database users manually. Instantiating complex types

lake=# SELECT enxpinval("content" := 'John', "partType" := 'GIV');
 {"content": "John", "dataType": "ENXP", "partType": "GIV", "mediaType": "text/plain", "representation": "TXT", "integrityCheckAlgorithm": "SHA-1"}
(1 row) Pretty printing complex types

With the PostgreSQL 9.5+ function jsonb_pretty(jsonb) it is possible to pretty print a JSON blob. We can cast any complex type to ANY, and ANY can be cast to jsonb, after which the value can be pretty printed.

lake=# SELECT jsonb_pretty(enxpinval("content" := 'John', "partType" := 'GIV')::"ANY"::jsonb);
 {                                     +
     "content": "John",                +
     "dataType": "ENXP",               +
     "partType": "GIV",                +
     "mediaType": "text/plain",        +
     "representation": "TXT",          +
     "integrityCheckAlgorithm": "SHA-1"+
(1 row) Complex array instantiating and ..inval() function nesting

This example shows a number of things. The entity name use is specified with the json array literal form ["L"]. The family and given names are sets of entity name parts. These are instantiated by calling enxpinval. For the given name, two enxp values are joined to form a json array. (SET_ENXP)

lake=# SELECT jsonb_pretty(eninval(
       "use" := '["L"]'::"set_EntityNameUse",
    "family" := enxpinval("content" := 'Doe'),
    "given"  := enxpinval("content" := 'John')
             || enxpinval("content" := 'Anthony'))::"ANY"::jsonb);
 {                                             +
     "use": [                                  +
         "L"                                   +
     ],                                        +
     "given": [                                +
         {                                     +
             "content": "John",                +
             "dataType": "ENXP",               +
             "mediaType": "text/plain",        +
             "representation": "TXT",          +
             "integrityCheckAlgorithm": "SHA-1"+
         },                                    +
         {                                     +
             "content": "Anthony",             +
             "dataType": "ENXP",               +
             "mediaType": "text/plain",        +
             "representation": "TXT",          +
             "integrityCheckAlgorithm": "SHA-1"+
         }                                     +
     ],                                        +
     "family": [                               +
         {                                     +
             "content": "Doe",                 +
             "dataType": "ENXP",               +
             "mediaType": "text/plain",        +
             "representation": "TXT",          +
             "integrityCheckAlgorithm": "SHA-1"+
         }                                     +
     ],                                        +
     "dataType": "EN"                          +
(1 row) Complex type array instantiating of a GTS value

The following example shows the translation, by the CCDA message parser (see the documentation of the MGRID MSG SDK for more information on generating parsers that convert from XML to SQL), of the following effectiveTime, that is the intersection (SetOperator = A) of a IVL_TS and a PIVL_TS:

<effectiveTime xsi:type="IVL_TS">
  <low value="20120512"/>
  <high value="20120512"/>
<effectiveTime xsi:type="PIVL_TS" institutionSpecified="true" operator="A">
  <period value="1" unit="h"/>
lake-#  ivl_tsinval(
lake(#   "high"     := ivxb_tsinval("inclusive" := 'true', "value" := '20120512'),
lake(#   "low"      := ivxb_tsinval("inclusive" := 'true', "value" := '20120512'),
lake(#   "operator" := 'I')
lake-#  ||
lake-#  pivl_tsinval(
lake(#   "institutionSpecified" := True,
lake(#   "operator" := 'A',
lake(#   "period" := pqinval("unit" := 'h', "value" := '1')) AS a;
lake=# SELECT jsonb_pretty(a::"ANY"::jsonb) FROM t;
 [                                   +
     {                               +
         "low": {                    +
             "value": "20120512",    +
             "dataType": "IVXB_TS",  +
             "inclusive": true       +
         },                          +
         "high": {                   +
             "value": "20120512",    +
             "dataType": "IVXB_TS",  +
             "inclusive": true       +
         },                          +
         "dataType": "IVL_TS",       +
         "operator": "I"             +
     },                              +
     {                               +
         "period": {                 +
             "unit": "h",            +
             "value": 1,             +
             "dataType": "PQ"        +
         },                          +
         "dataType": "PIVL_TS",      +
         "operator": "A",            +
         "institutionSpecified": true+
     }                               +
(1 row)

The type of the operator property of PIVL_TS is SetOperator. This is a vocabulary type, with valid values the elements from the codesystem SetOperator:

select codesystem('SetOperator');
 convex hull (H)
 intersect (A)
 periodic hull (P)
 ValueSetOperator (_ValueSetOperator)
  exclude (E)
  include (I)
(6 rows)

5.2.5. Complex Data Value Accessing

Properties of a complex data value can be accessed with the -> and ->> operators. These operators take the name of the property or the index in the array as argument, and return the property as ANY or text, respectively. Accessing complex data array alements

This example continues from the previous one where the table t was created.

Arrays in complex types (SET, COLL, BAG, LIST) are indexed from 0. Select the first element.

lake=# select a->0 from t;
 {"low": {"value": "20120512", "dataType": "IVXB_TS", "inclusive": true}, "high": {"value": "20120512", "dataType": "IVXB_TS", "inclusive": true}, "dataType": "IVL_TS", "operator": "I"}
(1 row)

Select the object at path 0,low,value using the jsonb path operator #>. Note that this is an operator on jsonb so we need to cast to jsonb first.

lake=# select a::"ANY"::jsonb#>>'{0,low,value}' from t;
(1 row)

The example above is simple json navigation and selecting elements. A more powerful translation is available through the cast from IVL_TS to ivl_ts, after which the full range of ivl_ts operators is available.

lake=# select (a->0)::"IVL_TS"::ivl_ts from t;
(1 row) Appending operators to select paths

Select from the second element the period property, and select from the period the value. Note that every operator but the last is the ANY returning operator ->, and the last operator is the text returning operator ->>.

select a->1->'period'->>'value' from t;
(1 row)

The -> operator returns ANY.

select pg_typeof(a->1->'period') from t;
(1 row)

To enable calculation with pq, cast the period to PQ then to pq.

select (a->1->'period')::"PQ"::pq from t;
 1 h
(1 row) Does complex data value contain a value?

This example continues from the previous one where the table t was created.

Use the <@ and @> operators to query if a complex value contains another complex value. The example below shows how to select only the effectivetimes that have a period of one hour.

select (a->0)::"IVL_TS"::ivl_ts
from t
where a @> '[{"period":{"unit":"h"}}]';
(1 row)

5.2.6. List of Complex Types R1

List of R1 Types
Mnemonic Schema Description
AD r1 Mailing and home or office addresses. A sequence of address parts, such as street or post office Box, city, postal code, country, etc.
ADXP r1 A character string that may have a type-tag signifying its role in the address. Typical parts that exist in about every address are street, house number, or post box, postal code, city, country but other roles may be defined regionally, nationally, or on an enterprise level (e.g. in military addresses). Addresses are usually broken up into lines, which are indicated by special line-breaking delimiter elements (e.g., DEL).
BIN r1 Binary data is a raw block of bits. Binary data is a protected type that MUST not be used outside the data type specification.
BL r1 The Boolean type stands for the values of two-valued logic. A Boolean value can be either true or false, or, as any other value may be NULL.
BN r1 The BooleanNonNull type is used where a Boolean cannot have a null value. A Boolean value can be either true or false.
BXIT_CD r1 The quantity in which the bag item occurs in its containing bag.
BXIT_IVL_PQ r1 The quantity in which the bag item occurs in its containing bag.
CD r1 A concept descriptor represents any kind of concept usually by giving a code defined in a code system. A concept descriptor can contain the original text or phrase that served as the basis of the coding and one or more translations into different coding systems. A concept descriptor can also contain qualifiers to describe, e.g., the concept of a “left foot” as a postcoordinated term built from the primary code “FOOT” and the qualifier “LEFT”. In exceptional cases, the concept descriptor need not contain a code but only the original text describing that concept.
CE r1 Coded data, consists of a coded value (CV) and, optionally, coded value(s) from other coding systems that identify the same concept. Used when alternative codes may exist.
CO r1 Coded data, where the domain from which the codeset comes is ordered. The Coded Ordinal data type adds semantics related to ordering so that models that make use of such domains may introduce model elements that involve statements about the order of the terms in a domain.
CR r1 A concept qualifier code with optionally named role. Both qualifier role and value codes must be defined by the coding system. For example, if SNOMED RT defines a concept “leg”, a role relation “has-laterality”, and another concept “left”, the concept role relation allows to add the qualifier “has-laterality: left” to a primary code “leg” to construct the meaning “left leg”.
CS r1 Coded data, consists of a code, display name, code system, and original text. Used when a single code value must be sent.
CV r1 Coded data, consists of a code, display name, code system, and original text. Used when a single code value must be sent.
ED r1 Data that is primarily intended for human interpretation or for further machine processing is outside the scope of HL7. This includes unformatted or formatted written language, multimedia data, or structured information as defined by a different standard (e.g., XML-signatures.) Instead of the data itself, an ED may contain only a reference (see TEL.) Note that the ST data type is a specialization of when the is text/plain.
EIVL_PPD_TS r1 Note: because this type is defined as an extension of SXCM_T, all of the attributes and elements accepted for T are also accepted by this definition. However, they are NOT allowed by the normative description of this type. Unfortunately, we cannot write a general purpose schematron contraints to provide that extra validation, thus applications must be aware that instance (fragments) that pass validation with this might might still not be legal.
EIVL_TS r1 Note: because this type is defined as an extension of SXCM_T, all of the attributes and elements accepted for T are also accepted by this definition. However, they are NOT allowed by the normative description of this type. Unfortunately, we cannot write a general purpose schematron contraints to provide that extra validation, thus applications must be aware that instance (fragments) that pass validation with this might might still not be legal.
EN r1 A name for a person, organization, place or thing. A sequence of name parts, such as given name or family name, prefix, suffix, etc. Examples for entity name values are “Jim Bob Walton, Jr.”, “Health Level Seven, Inc.”, “Lake Tahoe”, etc. An entity name may be as simple as a character string or may consist of several entity name parts, such as, “Jim”, “Bob”, “Walton”, and “Jr.”, “Health Level Seven” and “Inc.”, “Lake” and “Tahoe”.
ENXP r1 A character string token representing a part of a name. May have a type code signifying the role of the part in the whole entity name, and a qualifier code for more detail about the name part type. Typical name parts for person names are given names, and family names, titles, etc.
GLIST_PQ r1 This is the start-value of the generated list.
GLIST_TS r1 This is the start-value of the generated list.
HXIT_CE r1 The time interval during which the given information was, is, or is expected to be valid. The interval can be open or closed, as well as infinite or undefined on either side.
HXIT_PQ r1 The time interval during which the given information was, is, or is expected to be valid. The interval can be open or closed, as well as infinite or undefined on either side.
II r1 An identifier that uniquely identifies a thing or object. Examples are object identifier for HL7 RIM objects, medical record number, order id, service catalog item id, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), etc. Instance identifiers are defined based on ISO object identifiers.
INT r1 Integer numbers (-1,0,1,2, 100, 3398129, etc.) are precise numbers that are results of counting and enumerating. Integer numbers are discrete, the set of integers is infinite but countable. No arbitrary limit is imposed on the range of integer numbers. Two NULL flavors are defined for the positive and negative infinity.
IVL_INT r1 The low limit of the interval.
IVL_MO r1 The low limit of the interval.
IVL_PPD_PQ r1 The low limit of the interval.
IVL_PPD_TS r1 The low limit of the interval.
IVL_PQ r1 The low limit of the interval.
IVL_REAL r1 The low limit of the interval.
IVL_TS r1 The low limit of the interval.
IVXB_INT r1 Specifies whether the limit is included in the interval (interval is closed) or excluded from the interval (interval is open).
IVXB_MO r1 Specifies whether the limit is included in the interval (interval is closed) or excluded from the interval (interval is open).
IVXB_PPD_PQ r1 Specifies whether the limit is included in the interval (interval is closed) or excluded from the interval (interval is open).
IVXB_PPD_TS r1 Specifies whether the limit is included in the interval (interval is closed) or excluded from the interval (interval is open).
IVXB_PQ r1 Specifies whether the limit is included in the interval (interval is closed) or excluded from the interval (interval is open).
IVXB_REAL r1 Specifies whether the limit is included in the interval (interval is closed) or excluded from the interval (interval is open).
IVXB_TS r1 Specifies whether the limit is included in the interval (interval is closed) or excluded from the interval (interval is open).
MO r1 A monetary amount is a quantity expressing the amount of money in some currency. Currencies are the units in which monetary amounts are denominated in different economic regions. While the monetary amount is a single kind of quantity (money) the exchange rates between the different units are variable. This is the principle difference between physical quantity and monetary amounts, and the reason why currency units are not physical units.
ON r1 A name for an organization. A sequence of name parts.
PIVL_PPD_TS r1 Note: because this type is defined as an extension of SXCM_T, all of the attributes and elements accepted for T are also accepted by this definition. However, they are NOT allowed by the normative description of this type. Unfortunately, we cannot write a general purpose schematron contraints to provide that extra validation, thus applications must be aware that instance (fragments) that pass validation with this might might still not be legal.
PIVL_TS r1 Note: because this type is defined as an extension of SXCM_T, all of the attributes and elements accepted for T are also accepted by this definition. However, they are NOT allowed by the normative description of this type. Unfortunately, we cannot write a general purpose schematron contraints to provide that extra validation, thus applications must be aware that instance (fragments) that pass validation with this might might still not be legal.
PN r1 A name for a person. A sequence of name parts, such as given name or family name, prefix, suffix, etc. PN differs from EN because the qualifier type cannot include LS (Legal Status).
PPD_PQ r1 The primary measure of variance/uncertainty of the value (the square root of the sum of the squares of the differences between all data points and the mean). The standard deviation is used to normalize the data for computing the distribution function. Applications that cannot deal with probability distributions can still get an idea about the confidence level by looking at the standard deviation.
PPD_TS r1 The primary measure of variance/uncertainty of the value (the square root of the sum of the squares of the differences between all data points and the mean). The standard deviation is used to normalize the data for computing the distribution function. Applications that cannot deal with probability distributions can still get an idea about the confidence level by looking at the standard deviation.
PQ r1 A dimensioned quantity expressing the result of a measurement act.
PQR r1 A representation of a physical quantity in a unit from any code system. Used to show alternative representation for a physical quantity.
QTY r1 is an abstract generalization for all data types (1) whose value set has an order relation (less-or-equal) and (2) where difference is defined in all of the data type’s totally ordered value subsets. The quantity type abstraction is needed in defining certain other types, such as the interval and the probability distribution.
REAL r1 Fractional numbers. Typically used whenever quantities are measured, estimated, or computed from other real numbers. The typical representation is decimal, where the number of significant decimal digits is known as the precision. Real numbers are needed beyond integers whenever quantities of the real world are measured, estimated, or computed from other real numbers. The term “Real number” in this specification is used to mean that fractional values are covered without necessarily implying the full set of the mathematical real numbers.
RTO r1 A quantity constructed as the quotient of a numerator quantity divided by a denominator quantity. Common factors in the numerator and denominator are not automatically cancelled out. supports titers (e.g., “1:128”) and other quantities produced by laboratories that truly represent ratios. Ratios are not simply “structured numerics”, particularly blood pressure measurements (e.g. “120/60”) are not ratios. In many cases REAL should be used instead of .
RTO_MO_PQ r1 The quantity that is being divided in the ratio. The default is the integer number 1 (one).
RTO_PQ_PQ r1 The quantity that is being divided in the ratio. The default is the integer number 1 (one).
RTO_QTY_QTY r1 The quantity that is being divided in the ratio. The default is the integer number 1 (one).
SC r1 An ST that optionally may have a code attached. The text must always be present if a code is present. The code is often a local code.
SLIST_PQ r1 The origin of the list item value scale, i.e., the physical quantity that a zero-digit in the sequence would represent.
SLIST_TS r1 The origin of the list item value scale, i.e., the physical quantity that a zero-digit in the sequence would represent.
ST r1 The character string data type stands for text data, primarily intended for machine processing (e.g., sorting, querying, indexing, etc.) Used for names, symbols, and formal expressions.
SXCM_CD r1 A code specifying whether the set component is included (union) or excluded (set-difference) from the set, or other set operations with the current set component and the set as constructed from the representation stream up to the current point.
SXCM_INT r1 A code specifying whether the set component is included (union) or excluded (set-difference) from the set, or other set operations with the current set component and the set as constructed from the representation stream up to the current point.
SXCM_MO r1 A code specifying whether the set component is included (union) or excluded (set-difference) from the set, or other set operations with the current set component and the set as constructed from the representation stream up to the current point.
SXCM_PPD_PQ r1 A code specifying whether the set component is included (union) or excluded (set-difference) from the set, or other set operations with the current set component and the set as constructed from the representation stream up to the current point.
SXCM_PPD_TS r1 A code specifying whether the set component is included (union) or excluded (set-difference) from the set, or other set operations with the current set component and the set as constructed from the representation stream up to the current point.
SXCM_PQ r1 A code specifying whether the set component is included (union) or excluded (set-difference) from the set, or other set operations with the current set component and the set as constructed from the representation stream up to the current point.
SXCM_REAL r1 A code specifying whether the set component is included (union) or excluded (set-difference) from the set, or other set operations with the current set component and the set as constructed from the representation stream up to the current point.
SXCM_TS r1 A code specifying whether the set component is included (union) or excluded (set-difference) from the set, or other set operations with the current set component and the set as constructed from the representation stream up to the current point.
SXPR_TS r1  
TEL r1 A telephone number (voice or fax), e-mail address, or other locator for a resource (information or service) mediated by telecommunication equipment. The address is specified as a URL qualified by time specification and use codes that help in deciding which address to use for a given time and purpose.
TN r1 A restriction of entity name that is effectively a simple string used for a simple name for things and places.
TS r1 A quantity specifying a point on the axis of natural time. A point in time is most often represented as a calendar expression.
URL r1 A telecommunications address specified according to Internet standard RFC 1738 [http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt]. The URL specifies the protocol and the contact point defined by that protocol for the resource. Notable uses of the telecommunication address data type are for telephone and telefax numbers, e-mail addresses, Hypertext references, FTP references, etc.
UVP_TS r1 The probability assigned to the value, a decimal number between 0 (very uncertain) and 1 (certain).

5.2.7. List of Complex Types R2

List of R2 Types
Mnemonic Schema Description
AD r2 Mailing and home or office addresses. AD is primarily used to communicate data that will allow printing mail labels, or that will allow a person to physically visit that address. The postal address datatype is not supposed to be a container for additional information that might be useful for finding geographic locations (e.g., GPS coordinates) or for performing epidemiological studies. Such additional information should be captured by other, more appropriate data structures. Addresses are essentially sequences of address parts, but add a “use” code and a valid time range for information about if and when the address can be used for a given purpose.
ADXP r2 A part that may have a type-tag signifying its role in the address. Typical parts that exist in about every address are street, house number, or post box, postal code, city, country but other roles may be defined regionally, nationally, or on an enterprise level (e.g. in military addresses). Addresses are usually broken up into lines, which may be indicated by special line-breaking delimiter elements (e.g., DEL).
BL r2 BL stands for the values of two-valued logic. A BL value can be either true or false, or may have a nullFlavor.
CD r2 A CD is a reference to a concept defined in an external code system, terminology, or ontology. A CD may contain a simple code - that is, a reference to a concept defined directly by the referenced code system, or it may contain an expression in some syntax defined by the referenced code system that can be meaningfully evaluated. e.g., the concept of a “left foot” as a postcoordinated term built from the primary code “FOOT” and the qualifier “LEFT”. A CD may also contain an original text or phrase that served as the basis of the coding. This is preserved to allow for validation of the representation of the concept in various fashions. A CD can contain one or more translations into multiple coding systems. The translations are all representations of the same concept in various code systems. There is only one concept, and only the first CD may contain an original text. It is possible to represent the translation chain - which CD was translated from which - if desired. Each CD may also carry a rationale to indicate why it is represented. A CD with no nullFlavor attribute SHALL have a code attribute or nonNull originalText attribute. A CD that has a code, codeSystem or originalText attribute but does not meet external constraints of the applicable value set SHALL have a nullFlavor attribute with a value of “OTH”. Attributes with type CD are generally bound by externally specified constraints which constrain the coded concepts to which a CD may refer. These constraints may be qualified as “extensible” (CWE) or “not extensible” (CNE). If the constraint is not extensible (CNE), then a the CD that does not have a nullFlavor SHALL contain a code that conforms to the constraint. If the constraint is extensible (CWE) then a CD that does not have a nullFlavor SHALL contain either a code that exists in the domain with which the attribute is associated, a code from a locally defined code system, or just some originalText that describes the concept. If the code is taken from a locally defined code system, then the codeSystem property SHALL specify the local code system. For both CNE and CWE constraint types, the translations may contain nonNull codes from any source unless otherwise specified by the constraining model. For code systems that define expression syntaxes, CNE constraints may be used, providing that the code system definitions define the appropriate support to enable value sets to make useful statements about how to control the expression syntax, and that the value set machinery used also has the appropriate support
CO r2 Represents data where coded values are associated with a specific order. Note: CO may be used for things that model rankings and scores, e.g. likert scales, pain, Apgar values, etc, where there is a) implied ordering, b) no implication that the distance between each value is constant, and c) the total number of values is finite. CO may also be used in the context of an ordered code system. In this case, it may not be appropriate or even possible to use the value attribute, but CO may still be used so that models that make use of such code systems may introduce model elements that involve statements about the order of the terms in a domain. The relative order of values in a code system need not be independently obvious in the literal representation of the CO. It these circumstances, is expected that an application will look up the ordering of these values from some definition of the code system. Some of the code systems will directly assign numerical value to the concepts that are suitable for some mathemetical operations. Though it would generally make sense, applications SHOULD not assume that the translations of the code, if provided, will have the same ordering as the CO. Translations SHALL not be considered when the ordering of the code system is determined.
CS r2

Coded data in its simplest form, where only the code is not predetermined. The code system and code system version are implied and fixed by the context in which the CS value occurs. Due to its highly restricted functionality, CS SHALL only be used for simple structural attributes with highly controlled and stable terminologies where:

  • all codes come from a single code system
  • codes are not reused if their concept is deprecated
  • the publication and extensibility properties of the code system are well described and understood.
ED r2

Data that is primarily intended for human interpretation or for further machine processing outside the scope of this specification. This includes unformatted or formatted written language, multimedia data, or structured information as defined by a different standard (e.g., XML-signatures.) Encapsulated data can be present in two forms, inline or by reference. The content is the same whether it is located inline or remote.Inline data is communicated or moved as part of the encapsulated data value, whereas by-reference data may reside at a different location: a URL/URI that provides reference to the information required to locate the data. Inline data may be provided in one of 3 different ways:

  • as a plain sequence of characters (value)
  • as a binary (a sequence of bytes) (data)
  • as xml content (xml)

Content SHALL be provided if the ED has no nullFlavor. The content may be provided in-line (using only one of value, data or xml), or it may be provided as a reference.Content may be provided in-line and a reference also may be given; in these cases, it is expected that the content of the reference will be exactly the same as the in-line content. Information Processing Entities are not required to check this, but may regard it as an error condition if the content does not match

EIVL_TS r2 Specifies a periodic interval of time where the recurrence is based on activities of daily living or other important events that are time-related but not fully determined by time. Example: “one hour after breakfast” specifies the beginning of the interval at one hour after breakfast is finished. Breakfast is assumed to occur before lunch but is not determined to occur at any specific time
EN r2 A name for a person, organization, place or thing. Examples: “Jim Bob Walton, Jr.”, “Health Level Seven, Inc.”, “Lake Tahoe”, etc. An entity name may be as simple as a character string or may consist of several entity name parts, such as, “Jim”, “Bob”, “Walton”, and “Jr.”, “Health Level Seven” and “Inc.”. Entity names are essentially sequences of entity name parts, but add a “use” code and a valid time range for information about when the name was used and how to choose between multiple aliases that may be valid at the same point in time.
ENXP r2 A part that may have a type code signifying the role of the part in the whole entity name, and qualifier codes for more detail about the name part type. (Typical name parts for person names are given names, and family names, titles, etc. ).
GLIST_PQ r2 A periodic or monotone sequence of values generated from a few parameters, rather than being enumerated. Used to specify regular sampling points for biosignals.
GLIST_REAL r2 A periodic or monotone sequence of values generated from a few parameters, rather than being enumerated. Used to specify regular sampling points for biosignals.
GLIST_TS r2 A periodic or monotone sequence of values generated from a few parameters, rather than being enumerated. Used to specify regular sampling points for biosignals.
HXIT r2 Information about the history of this value: period of validity and a reference to an identified event that established this value as valid. Because of the way that the types are defined, a number of attributes of the datatypes have values with a type derived from HXIT. In these cases the HXIT attributes are constrained to null. The only case where the HXIT attributes are allowed within a datatype is on items in a collection (DSET, LIST, BAG, HIST). The use of these attributes is generally subject to further constraints in the specifications that make use of these types.
II r2 An identifier that uniquely identifies a thing or object. Examples are object identifier for HL7 RIM objects, medical record number, order id, service catalog item id, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), etc. Instance identifiers are usually defined based on ISO object identifiers. An identifier allows someone to select one record, object or thing from a set of candidates. Usually an identifier alone without any context is not usable. Identifiers are distinguished from concept descriptors as concept descriptors never identify an individual thing, although there may sometimes be an individual record or object that represents the concept. Information Processing Entities claiming direct or indirect conformance SHALL never assume that receiving applications can infer the identity of issuing authority or the type of the identifier from the identifier or components thereof.
INT r2 Integer numbers (-1,0,1,2, 100, 3398129, etc.) are precise numbers that are results of counting and enumerating. Integer numbers are discrete, the set of integers is infinite but countable. No arbitrary limit is imposed on the range of integer numbers.
IVL_CO r2 A set of consecutive values of an ordered base datatype. Any ordered type can be the basis of an IVL; it does not matter whether the base type is discrete or continuous. If the base datatype is only partially ordered, all elements of the IVL must be elements of a totally ordered subset of the partially ordered datatype. For example, PQ is considered ordered. However the ordering of PQs is only partial; a total order is only defined among comparable quantities (quantities of the same physical dimension). While IVLs between 2 and 4 meter exists, there is no IVL between 2 meters and 4 seconds
IVL_INT r2 A set of consecutive values of an ordered base datatype. Any ordered type can be the basis of an IVL; it does not matter whether the base type is discrete or continuous. If the base datatype is only partially ordered, all elements of the IVL must be elements of a totally ordered subset of the partially ordered datatype. For example, PQ is considered ordered. However the ordering of PQs is only partial; a total order is only defined among comparable quantities (quantities of the same physical dimension). While IVLs between 2 and 4 meter exists, there is no IVL between 2 meters and 4 seconds
IVL_MO r2 A set of consecutive values of an ordered base datatype. Any ordered type can be the basis of an IVL; it does not matter whether the base type is discrete or continuous. If the base datatype is only partially ordered, all elements of the IVL must be elements of a totally ordered subset of the partially ordered datatype. For example, PQ is considered ordered. However the ordering of PQs is only partial; a total order is only defined among comparable quantities (quantities of the same physical dimension). While IVLs between 2 and 4 meter exists, there is no IVL between 2 meters and 4 seconds
IVL_PQ r2 A set of consecutive values of an ordered base datatype. Any ordered type can be the basis of an IVL; it does not matter whether the base type is discrete or continuous. If the base datatype is only partially ordered, all elements of the IVL must be elements of a totally ordered subset of the partially ordered datatype. For example, PQ is considered ordered. However the ordering of PQs is only partial; a total order is only defined among comparable quantities (quantities of the same physical dimension). While IVLs between 2 and 4 meter exists, there is no IVL between 2 meters and 4 seconds
IVL_QTY r2 A set of consecutive values of an ordered base datatype. Any ordered type can be the basis of an IVL; it does not matter whether the base type is discrete or continuous. If the base datatype is only partially ordered, all elements of the IVL must be elements of a totally ordered subset of the partially ordered datatype. For example, PQ is considered ordered. However the ordering of PQs is only partial; a total order is only defined among comparable quantities (quantities of the same physical dimension). While IVLs between 2 and 4 meter exists, there is no IVL between 2 meters and 4 seconds
IVL_REAL r2 A set of consecutive values of an ordered base datatype. Any ordered type can be the basis of an IVL; it does not matter whether the base type is discrete or continuous. If the base datatype is only partially ordered, all elements of the IVL must be elements of a totally ordered subset of the partially ordered datatype. For example, PQ is considered ordered. However the ordering of PQs is only partial; a total order is only defined among comparable quantities (quantities of the same physical dimension). While IVLs between 2 and 4 meter exists, there is no IVL between 2 meters and 4 seconds
IVL_TS r2 A set of consecutive values of an ordered base datatype. Any ordered type can be the basis of an IVL; it does not matter whether the base type is discrete or continuous. If the base datatype is only partially ordered, all elements of the IVL must be elements of a totally ordered subset of the partially ordered datatype. For example, PQ is considered ordered. However the ordering of PQs is only partial; a total order is only defined among comparable quantities (quantities of the same physical dimension). While IVLs between 2 and 4 meter exists, there is no IVL between 2 meters and 4 seconds
MO r2 A MO is a quantity expressing the amount of money in some currency. Currencies are the units in which monetary amounts are denominated in different economic regions. While the monetary amount is a single kind of quantity (money) the exchange rates between the different units are variable. This is the principle difference between PQ and MO, and the reason why currency units are not physical units.
NPPD_AD r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_BL r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_CD r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_CO r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_CS r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_ED r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_EN r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_II r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_INT r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_MO r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_PQ r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_REAL r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_RTO r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_SC r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_ST r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_TEL r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
NPPD_TS r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A set of UVP with probabilities (also known as a histogram.) All the elements in the set are considered alternatives and are rated each with its probability expressing the belief (or frequency) that each given value holds. NPPD<T> may be used where only one value for T may be true. The sum of the probabilities should be <= 1, but due to estimating and rounding inaccuracies, the total may actually exceed 1
PIVL_TS r2 An interval of time that recurs periodically. PIVL has two properties, phase and period/frequency. phase specifies the “interval prototype” that is repeated on the period/frequency.
PQ r2 A dimensioned quantity expressing the result of measuring
PQR r2 Specializes CD.CV An extension of the coded value datatype representing a physical quantity using a unit from any code system. Used to show alternative representation for a physical quantity. The coded value represents the unit (usually in some other coding system than UCUM).
QSC_TS r2 Specializes QSET Specifies a QSET as an coded value that describes a predefined QSET(TS).
QSD_PQ r2 Specializes QSET Specifies a QSET as the difference between two sets.
QSD_TS r2 Specializes QSET Specifies a QSET as the difference between two sets.
QSET_CO r2 Abstract; specializes ANY Parameter: T : QTY An unordered set of distinct values which are quantities. Any ordered type can be the basis of an QSET; it does not matter whether the base type is discrete or continuous. If the base datatype is only partially ordered, all elements of the QSET must be elements of a totally ordered subset of the partially ordered datatype (for example, PQ is only ordered when the units are consistent. Every value in a QSET(PQ) must have the same canonical unit). QSET is an abstract type. A working QSET is specified as an expression tree built using a combination of operator (QSI, QSD, QSU, QSP) and component types (QSC, QSS and IVL; and, for TS, PIVL and EIVL). QSETs SHALL not contain null or nullFlavored values as members of the set.
QSET_INT r2 Abstract; specializes ANY Parameter: T : QTY An unordered set of distinct values which are quantities. Any ordered type can be the basis of an QSET; it does not matter whether the base type is discrete or continuous. If the base datatype is only partially ordered, all elements of the QSET must be elements of a totally ordered subset of the partially ordered datatype (for example, PQ is only ordered when the units are consistent. Every value in a QSET(PQ) must have the same canonical unit). QSET is an abstract type. A working QSET is specified as an expression tree built using a combination of operator (QSI, QSD, QSU, QSP) and component types (QSC, QSS and IVL; and, for TS, PIVL and EIVL). QSETs SHALL not contain null or nullFlavored values as members of the set.
QSET_MO r2 Abstract; specializes ANY Parameter: T : QTY An unordered set of distinct values which are quantities. Any ordered type can be the basis of an QSET; it does not matter whether the base type is discrete or continuous. If the base datatype is only partially ordered, all elements of the QSET must be elements of a totally ordered subset of the partially ordered datatype (for example, PQ is only ordered when the units are consistent. Every value in a QSET(PQ) must have the same canonical unit). QSET is an abstract type. A working QSET is specified as an expression tree built using a combination of operator (QSI, QSD, QSU, QSP) and component types (QSC, QSS and IVL; and, for TS, PIVL and EIVL). QSETs SHALL not contain null or nullFlavored values as members of the set.
QSET_PQ r2 Abstract; specializes ANY Parameter: T : QTY An unordered set of distinct values which are quantities. Any ordered type can be the basis of an QSET; it does not matter whether the base type is discrete or continuous. If the base datatype is only partially ordered, all elements of the QSET must be elements of a totally ordered subset of the partially ordered datatype (for example, PQ is only ordered when the units are consistent. Every value in a QSET(PQ) must have the same canonical unit). QSET is an abstract type. A working QSET is specified as an expression tree built using a combination of operator (QSI, QSD, QSU, QSP) and component types (QSC, QSS and IVL; and, for TS, PIVL and EIVL). QSETs SHALL not contain null or nullFlavored values as members of the set.
QSET_QTY r2 Abstract; specializes ANY Parameter: T : QTY An unordered set of distinct values which are quantities. Any ordered type can be the basis of an QSET; it does not matter whether the base type is discrete or continuous. If the base datatype is only partially ordered, all elements of the QSET must be elements of a totally ordered subset of the partially ordered datatype (for example, PQ is only ordered when the units are consistent. Every value in a QSET(PQ) must have the same canonical unit). QSET is an abstract type. A working QSET is specified as an expression tree built using a combination of operator (QSI, QSD, QSU, QSP) and component types (QSC, QSS and IVL; and, for TS, PIVL and EIVL). QSETs SHALL not contain null or nullFlavored values as members of the set.
QSET_REAL r2 Abstract; specializes ANY Parameter: T : QTY An unordered set of distinct values which are quantities. Any ordered type can be the basis of an QSET; it does not matter whether the base type is discrete or continuous. If the base datatype is only partially ordered, all elements of the QSET must be elements of a totally ordered subset of the partially ordered datatype (for example, PQ is only ordered when the units are consistent. Every value in a QSET(PQ) must have the same canonical unit). QSET is an abstract type. A working QSET is specified as an expression tree built using a combination of operator (QSI, QSD, QSU, QSP) and component types (QSC, QSS and IVL; and, for TS, PIVL and EIVL). QSETs SHALL not contain null or nullFlavored values as members of the set.
QSET_TS r2 Abstract; specializes ANY Parameter: T : QTY An unordered set of distinct values which are quantities. Any ordered type can be the basis of an QSET; it does not matter whether the base type is discrete or continuous. If the base datatype is only partially ordered, all elements of the QSET must be elements of a totally ordered subset of the partially ordered datatype (for example, PQ is only ordered when the units are consistent. Every value in a QSET(PQ) must have the same canonical unit). QSET is an abstract type. A working QSET is specified as an expression tree built using a combination of operator (QSI, QSD, QSU, QSP) and component types (QSC, QSS and IVL; and, for TS, PIVL and EIVL). QSETs SHALL not contain null or nullFlavored values as members of the set.
QSI_PQ r2 Specializes QSET Specifies a QSET as an intersection of other sets.
QSI_TS r2 Specializes QSET Specifies a QSET as an intersection of other sets.
QSP_PQ r2 Specializes QSET Specifies a QSET as the periodic hull between two sets. A periodic hull may be generated by comparing two sets that interleave. For QSET values A and B to interleave, the occurrence intervals of both groups can be arranged in pairs of corresponding occurrence intervals. It must further hold that for all corresponding occurrence intervals a ⊆ A and b ⊆ B, a starts before b starts (or at the same time) and b ends after a ends (or at the same time). The interleaves-relation holds when two schedules have the same average frequency, and when the second schedule never “outpaces” the first schedule. That is, no occurrence interval in the second schedule may start before its corresponding occurrence interval in the first schedule.
QSP_TS r2 Specializes QSET Specifies a QSET as the periodic hull between two sets. A periodic hull may be generated by comparing two sets that interleave. For QSET values A and B to interleave, the occurrence intervals of both groups can be arranged in pairs of corresponding occurrence intervals. It must further hold that for all corresponding occurrence intervals a ⊆ A and b ⊆ B, a starts before b starts (or at the same time) and b ends after a ends (or at the same time). The interleaves-relation holds when two schedules have the same average frequency, and when the second schedule never “outpaces” the first schedule. That is, no occurrence interval in the second schedule may start before its corresponding occurrence interval in the first schedule.
QSS_PQ r2 Specializes QSET Specifies a QSET as an enumeration of simple values. This is a shortcut form for specifying the same values as singleton intervals
QSS_TS r2 Specializes QSET Specifies a QSET as an enumeration of simple values. This is a shortcut form for specifying the same values as singleton intervals
QSU_PQ r2 Specifies a QSET as a union of other sets
QSU_TS r2 Specifies a QSET as a union of other sets
QTY r2 The quantity datatype is an abstract generalization for all datatypes whose domain values has an order relation (less-or-equal) and where difference is defined in all of the datatype’’s totally ordered value subsets. The quantity type abstraction is needed in defining certain other types, such as the interval, and probability distributions.
REAL r2 Fractional numbers. Typically used whenever quantities are measured, estimated, or computed from other real numbers. The typical representation is decimal, where the number of significant decimal digits is known as the precision.
RTO r2 A quantity constructed as the quotient of a numerator quantity divided by a denominator quantity. Common factors in the numerator and denominator are not automatically cancelled out. The RTO datatype supports titers (e.g., “1:128”) and other quantities produced by laboratories that truly represent ratios. Ratios are not simply “structured numerics”, particularly blood pressure measurements (e.g. “120/60”) are not ratios. Notes: 1. Ratios are different from rational numbers, i.e., in ratios common factors in the numerator and denominator never cancel out. A ratio of two real or integer numbers is not automatically reduced to a real number. This datatype is not defined to generally represent rational numbers. It is used only if common factors in numerator and denominator are not supposed to cancel out. This is only rarely the case. For observation values, ratios occur almost exclusively with titers. In most other cases, REAL should be used instead of the RTO. 2. Since many implementation technologies expect generics to be collections, or only have one parameter, RTO is not implemented as a generic in this specification. Constraints at the point where the RTO is used will define which form of QTY are used.
SC r2 A character string that optionally may have a code attached. The text must always be present if a code is present. The code is often a local code. SC is used in cases where coding is exceptional (e.g., user error messages are essentially text messages, and the text message is the important content. However sometimes messages come from a catalog of prepared messages, which SC allows to reference). Any non-null SC value MAY have a code, however, a code SHALL NOT be given without the text. The similarities and differences between SC and CD are discussed in Section, CD and SC
SD.TEXT r2 A definition of structured text that can be used in healthcare. The structured text is based on an XHTML-like arrangement that ensures the text is properly marked up with semantics, and provides a common base line for implementation in healthcare. The type SD.TEXT is also known as StrucDoc.Text (for legacy reasons).
SD.TITLE r2 A definition of structured title that can be used in healthcare. The structured text is based on the Structured Text definition, but only a narrow set of features can be used, consistent with a title rather than a general document. The type SD.TITLE is also known as StrucDoc.Title (for legacy reasons).
SLIST_INT r2 A sequence of sampled values scaled and translated from a list of integer values. Used to specify sampled biosignals.
SLIST_PQ r2 A sequence of sampled values scaled and translated from a list of integer values. Used to specify sampled biosignals.
SLIST_REAL r2 A sequence of sampled values scaled and translated from a list of integer values. Used to specify sampled biosignals.
SLIST_TS r2 A sequence of sampled values scaled and translated from a list of integer values. Used to specify sampled biosignals.
ST r2 The character string datatype stands for text data, primarily intended for machine processing (e.g., sorting, querying, indexing, etc.) or direct display. Used for names, symbols, presentation and formal expressions. A ST SHALL have at least one character or else have a nullFlavor
TEL r2 A locatable resource that is identified by a URI, such as a web page, a telephone number (voice, fax or some other resource mediated by telecommunication equipment), an e-mail address, or any other locatable resource that can be specified by a URL. The address is specified as a Universal Resource Locator (URL) qualified by time specification and use codes that help in deciding which address to use for a given time and purpose. The value attribute is constrained to be a uniform resource locator specified according to IETF RFCs 1738 and 2806 when used in this datatype. Note: The intent of this datatype is to be a locator, not an identifier; this datatype is used to refer to a locatable resource using a URL, and knowing the URL allows one to locate the object. However some use cases have arisen where a URI is used to refer to a locatable resource. Though this datatype allows for URIs to be used, the resource identified SHOULD always be locatable. A common use of locatable URI’’s is to refer to SOAP attachments.
TS r2 A quantity specifying a point on the axis of natural time. A point in time is most often represented as a calendar expression.
UVP_AD r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_BL r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_CD r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_CO r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_CS r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_ED r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_EN r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_II r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_INT r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_MO r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_PQ r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_REAL r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_RTO r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_SC r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_ST r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_TEL r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
UVP_TS r2 Specializes ANY Parameter: T : ANY A generic datatype extension used to specify a probability expressing the information producer’’s belief that the given value holds.
XP r2 A part of a name or address. Each part is a character string that may be coded, and that also may have a nullFlavor. The string content must always be provided whether a code is provided or not.

5.2.8. Casts from Complex Types to simple types

This table shows for each cast from a complex type to a simple type, whether the cast can be used implicitly (yes) or whether an explicit cast is needed (no), and the function that implements the cast. Complex Type R1 casts

Source Schema Target Implicit Function
BL r1 bl yes bl2bl
BXIT _CD r1 cs yes cd2cv
BXIT _CD r1 cv yes cd2cv
BXIT _CD r1 ``set` ` yes cd2set_cs
CD r1 cv yes cd2cv
CD r1 ``set` ` yes cd2set_cs
CE r1 cs yes cd2cv
CE r1 cv yes cd2cv
CE r1 ``set` ` yes cd2set_cs
CO r1 cs yes cd2cv
CO r1 cv yes cd2cv
CO r1 ``set` ` yes cd2set_cs
CS r1 cs yes cd2cv
CS r1 cv yes cd2cv
CS r1 ``set` ` yes cd2set_cs
CV r1 cs yes cd2cv
CV r1 cv yes cd2cv
CV r1 ``set` ` yes cd2set_cs
HXIT _CE r1 cs yes cd2cv
HXIT _CE r1 cv yes cd2cv
HXIT _CE r1 ``set` ` yes cd2set_cs
``INT` ` r1 ``int4 `` yes int2int
``INT` ` r1 nume ric yes int2numeric
``INT` ` r1 ``text `` yes int2text
IVL_ INT r1 ivl_ pq yes ivl_int2ivl_int
IVL_ PQ r1 ivl_ pq yes ivl_pq2ivl_pq
IVL_ REAL r1 ivl_ pq yes ivl_real2ivl_real
IVL_ TS r1 ivl_ ts yes ivl_ts2ivl_ts
PQ r1 pq yes pq2pq
``PQR` ` r1 cs yes cd2cv
``PQR` ` r1 cv yes cd2cv
``PQR` ` r1 ``set` ` yes cd2set_cs
ST r1 ``text `` yes st2text
SXCM _CD r1 cs yes cd2cv
SXCM _CD r1 cv yes cd2cv
SXCM _CD r1 ``set` ` yes cd2set_cs
TS r1 ivl_ ts yes ts2ivl_ts
TS r1 ts yes ts2ts

This table shows for each cast from a complex type to a simple type, whether the cast can be used implicitly (yes) or whether an explicit cast is needed (no), and the function that implements the cast. Complex Type R2 casts

Source Schema Target Implicit Function
BL r2 bl yes bl2bl
CD r2 cv yes cd2cv
CD r2 ``set` ` yes cd2set_cs
CS r2 cs yes cd2cv
CS r2 cv yes cd2cv
CS r2 ``set` ` yes cd2set_cs
``INT` ` r2 ``int4 `` yes int2int
``INT` ` r2 nume ric yes int2numeric
``INT` ` r2 ``text `` yes int2text
IVL_ INT r2 ivl_ pq yes ivl_int2ivl_pq
IVL_ PQ r2 ivl_ pq yes ivl_pq2ivl_pq
IVL_ REAL r2 ivl_ pq yes ivl_real2ivl_pq
IVL_ TS r2 ivl_ ts yes ivl_ts2ivl_ts
PQ r2 pq yes pq2pq
``PQR` ` r2 cs yes cd2cv
``PQR` ` r2 cv yes cd2cv
``PQR` ` r2 ``set` ` yes cd2set_cs
ST r2 ``text `` yes st2text
TS r2 ivl_ ts yes ts2ivl_ts
TS r2 ts yes ts2ts

5.3. Simple Types

The name ‘simple’ type originates from the XML ITS datatype XSD for R1 types, that makes the distiction between XSD simple and complex types. Simple types are atomic, scalar types.

5.3.1. Simple Healthcare Datatypes

Mnemonic Name Description
any DataValue abstract most generic type
bl Boolean binary value for use in boolean logic
bn Boolean (NonNull) a boolean constrained so that it is not null
cv Coded Value a reference to a concept defined in a code system
ii Instance Identifier a unique identifier that guarantees the global uniqueness of the instance identifier
ivl_pq Interval of Physical Quantities a set of consecutive values of physical quantities
ivl_ts Interval of Point in Time a set of consecutive values of time-stamps
pq Physical Quantity a dimensioned quantity with a value and a unit
pq_time Length of Time a flavor of PQ that is constrained to the time dimension
qset_ts Contineous set of Point in Time a set of intervals in time
rto Ratio a quantity constructed as the quotient of a numerator quantity divided by a denominator quantity.
ts Point in Time a quantity specifying a point in time on the axis of time
ts_date Date a flavor of TS that only allows a maximum precision of days and no timezones
ts_date_full FullDate a flavor of TS that only allows a precision of days and no timezones
ts_datetime DateTime a flavor of TS that only allows a maximum precision of seconds
ts_datetime_f ull FullDateTime a flavor of TS that only allows a precision of seconds
ts_birth Birth Date a flavor of TS that constrains timezone and precision to only allow birth years, dates or times

5.3.2. DataValue (‘any’)

The any datatype defines the basic properties of every data value. This is conceptually an abstract type, meaning that no proper value can be just a data value without belonging to any concrete type. Every concrete type is a specialization of this general abstract datatype.

lake=# CREATE TABLE testany (a hl7.any);
lake=# INSERT INTO testany VALUES ('10 ml');
ERROR:  cannot read 'any' value
LINE 1: INSERT INTO testany VALUES ('10 ml');
HINT:  'any' value can only be created by casting another contrete type.
lake=# INSERT INTO testany VALUES ('10 ml'::pq);
INSERT 0 1 NullFlavors

A data type may have an exceptional value rather than a proper value, either because the information does not exist, is not known or available, or cannot be expressed in the allowed value domain. In this case, the NullFlavor expresses in what way and why proper information is missing.

The NullFlavors extend the domains of all Healthcare Datatypes (“domain” in this sense means the set of all possible values for the data type, not “domain” in the more restricted sense used for coded data types). So this is true not only for coded data types with constrained vocabulary domains, but for non-coded value domains as well, e.g. integers, temporal intervals, etc. As a general domain extension of all Healthcare Datatypes, the null flavors also extend the literal form of those data types that have a literal form. In any literal form, the literal NullFlavor.X signals that the data type has the assigned NullFlavor, where X is the code, such as NA.

Some of the null flavors are not generally applicable to all data types. The NullFlavors NINF,PINF, DER,QS, and TRC can only be used in associated with QTY types. The NullFlavor UNC can only be used with any type that has an originalText, and when UNC is used the originalText property must be populated. The NullFlavor DER may only be used with the EXPR type, and an expression must be provided.

SELECT 'NullFlavor.TRC'::bl;
ERROR:  The NullFlavor 'NullFlavor.TRC' can only be used in association with QTY types NullFlavors
Leve l Code Name Description
1 NI no information The value is exceptional (missing, omitted, incomplete, improper). No information as to the reason for being an exceptional value is provided. This is the most general exceptional value. It is also the default exceptional value.
2 INV invalid The value as represented in the instance is not a member of the set of permitted data values in the constrained value domain of a variable.
3 OTH other The actual value is not a member of the set of permitted data values in the constrained value domain of a variable. (e.g., concept not provided by required code system).
4 NINF negative infinity Negative infinity of numbers.
4 PINF positive infinity Positive infinity of numbers.
3 UNC unencoded No attempt has been made to encode the information correctly but the raw source information is represented (usually in originalText).
3 DER derived An actual value may exist, but it must be derived from the provided information (usually an expression is provided directly).
2 UNK unknown A proper value is applicable, but not known.
3 ASKU asked but unknown Information was sought but not found (e.g., patient was asked but didn’t know)
4 NAV temporarily unavailable Information is not available at this time but it is expected that it will be available later.
3 QS sufficient quantity The specific quantity is not known, but is known to be non-zero and is not specified because it makes up the bulk of the material. e.g. ‘Add 10mg of ingredient X, 50mg of ingredient Y, and sufficient quantity of water to 100mL.’ The null flavor would be used to express the quantity of water.
3 NASK not asked This information has not been sought (e.g., patient was not asked)
3 TRC trace The content is greater than zero, but too small to be quantified.
2 MSK masked There is information on this item available but it has not been provided by the sender due to security, privacy or other reasons. There may be an alternate mechanism for gaining access to this information. Note: using this null flavor does provide information that may be a breach of confidentiality, even though no detail data is provided. Its primary purpose is for those circumstances where it is necessary to inform the receiver that the information does exist without providing any detail.
2 NA not applicable No proper value is applicable in this context (e.g., last menstrual period for a male). Interaction between database NULL and NullFlavors

The NullFlavors are conceptually similar to the database servers regular NULL values: both implement Codd’s three-valued semantics. Without NOT NULL constraints, a data value can be both kinds of null. The following must be kept in mind:

The regular NOT NULL constraint does not apply to NullFlavors; it is possible to store NullFlavor.NI in an table column that has a NOT NULL constraint.

CREATE TABLE testnull (a pq NOT NULL);
INSERT INTO testnull VALUES ('NullFlavor.NI');

ERROR:  null value in column "a" violates not-null constraint


Conversely, the Healthcare Datatype nonNull constraint on an Healthcare Datatype such as bn, prohibits the use of a NullFlavor, but it does not prohibit the regular NULL value.

CREATE TABLE testbn (a bn);
INSERT INTO testbn VALUES ('NullFlavor.NI');

ERROR:  NullFlavor not allowed: "NullFlavor.NI"


The regular operators IS NULL and NOTNULL operate on the regular NULL value only, not the NullFlavor. To query if a datavalue has a NullFlavor, use the isnull function.

SELECT 'NullFlavor.NI'::pq IS NULL AS regular;
SELECT isnull('NullFlavor.NI'::pq) AS hl7;
(1 row)

(1 row) Functions on ‘any’ (simple type)

The functions defined on any are implemented for every Healthcare Datatype.

Some interpretation of the semantics of the values may be required to determine the result of the function. For example, the type pq has the two semantic properties (1) a real number and (2) a coded unit of measure. The equality test must account for the fact that, e.g., 1 meter equals 100 centimeters; independent equality of the two semantic properties is too strong a criterion for the equality test. Therefore, physical quantity overrides the equality definition.

The requirement for understanding the meaning of the data applies to NullFlavors as well. Under certain circumstances the result of an operation where NullFlavors are concerned may be null or not null, and the result might change when the datatype changes. For instance, the result of equal(UNK, ASKU) is UNK when the datatype is bl, and NI for pq.

Consult NullFlavors and the functions of the specific data types for more information. Functions on ‘any’ (simple type)
Function Args Return s Description
nonnull any bn A predicate indicating that a property has a value, i.e. is a non-null (“non-exceptional”) value of the data type.
isnull any bn A predicate indicating that that a value is an exceptional value, or a null-value. A null value means that the information does not exist, is not available, or cannot be expressed in the data type’s normal value set. Every data element has either a proper value or it is considered NULL. If (and only if) it is NULL, the NullFlavor provides more detail as to in what way or why no proper value is supplied.
isnull any,te xt bool A predicate indicating that operand 1 has an exceptional value of the NullFlavor specified by operand 2, e.g. isnull('NullFlavor.NASK'::pq,'NASK') is true. To select datavalues having a certain NullFlavor, you cannot use equality between NullFlavors, since equality on two NullFlavors returns a NullFlavor and not true, even on two datatypes having the same NullFlavor. Instead, use the isnull(x,text) predicate.
notapplicabl e any bn [1] A predicate indicating that this exceptional value is of NullFlavor not-applicable (NA), i.e., that a proper value is not meaningful in the given context.
unknown any bn A predicate indicating that this exceptional value is of NullFlavor unknown (UNK).
other any bn A predicate indicating that this exceptional value is of NullFlavor other (OTH), i.e., that the required value domain does not contain the appropriate value.
equal any bl An equivalence relation (reflexive, symmetric, and transitive) between any two data values. How equality is determined is defined for each concrete data type.
identical any bl Identity comparison is a reflexive, symmetric, and transitive relation between any two data values. Any values can be identical, whether or not they are null or contain properties with null values. Two data values are identical when all their compositional properties are equal.
nullflavor any cv Returns the nullflavor code if a datatype is a nullflavor, database NULL otherwise. Functions defined on any can be used on all simple types
SELECT NullFlavor('NullFlavor.UNK'::pq);

SELECT unknown('NullFlavor.UNK'::pq);
(1 row)

SELECT isnull('NullFlavor.INV'::bl);

5.3.3. Boolean (‘bl’)

A binary value for use in boolean logic. A bl value can be either true or false, or, as any other concrete datatype, may have a NullFlavor. The functions and operators define for bl are: operators: Functions on ‘bl’

Operat or Function Args Return s Description
! not (negation) bl bl A unary function that negates the truth value; true becomes false and false becomes true. The negation of a NullFlavor returns the same NullFlavor.
& and (conjunction ) bl,bl bl The conjunction of the first operand (or conjunct) and the second is true, if and only if both operands are true.
| or (disjunction ) bl,bl bl The disjunction of the first operand (or disjunct) and the second is true, if and only one of the operands is true.
^ xor (exclusive disjunction) bl,bl bl The exclusive or of the first operand and the second is true if and only if one of the operands is true and the other is false. In other words, p^q is true if and only if ! (p=q). The exclusive or can be defined in terms of and and or.
= equal (equality) bl,bl bl The equality of two operands is true when both operands are non-null and have the same value. This is the opposite of the exclusive or. In other words, p=q if and only if !(p^q).
-> implies (implication ) bl,bl bl The logical implication of the first operand (the antecedent) and the second (the consequent) is true, if and only if the consequent is true when the antecendent is true. The implication is defined in terms of and and or as follows p->q if and only if (!p)|q. Three-valued logic on ‘bl’

With any data value potentially having a NullFlavor, the two-valued logic is effectively extended to a three-valued logic. as shown in the following truth tables: ‘bl’ negation truth table
true false
false true
NullFlavor.X NullFlavor.X ‘bl’ conjunction truth table
AND true
true true
false false
NullFlavor.Y NullFlavor.Y BL disjunction truth table
OR true
true true
false true
NullFlavor.Y false

The truth tables of the other binary operators on BL are omitted, since they can be expressed in terms of and,or and not.

Where a boolean operation is performed upon 2 data types with different NullFlavors X and Y, the NullFlavor Z of the result is the first common ancestor of the 2 different NullFlavors, though conformant applications may also create a result that is any common ancestor.

SELECT 'NullFlavor.INV'::bl & 'NullFlavor.UNK'::bl AS and;

5.3.4. Boolean (NonNull) ‘bn’

bn constrains the type bl so that it is not null. This is defined for use within the data types specification where it is not appropriate for a null value to be used.

bl allows a NullFlavor:

SELECT 'NullFlavor.NI'::bl;
(1 row)

Whereas bn does not:

SELECT 'NullFlavor.NI'::bn;
ERROR:  NullFlavor not allowed: "NullFlavor.NI"

5.3.5. Interaction between bl, bn and boolean

bl,bn and the regular bool datatypes can be substituted for one another, as long as there is no violation of constraints.

SELECT true,          -- boolean (true without quotes)
       'true'::bl,    -- normal bl string literal input
       true::bl,      -- boolean can be cast to bl
       (1::bool)::bl; -- another cast of boolean to bl
 bool |  bl  |  bl  |  bl
 t    | true | true | true
(1 row)

5.3.6. Coded Value (cv)

A cv is a reference to a concept defined in a code system. Compositional properties of ‘cv’

Name Type Description
code text The plain code symbol defined by the code system, or an expression in a syntax defined by the code system which describes the concept.
codesystem uid The code system that defines the code.
codesystemvers ion text If applicable, the version of the codesystem that applied at the time of input of the cv datavalue.
valueset uid The valueset that applied when the data value was instantiated.
valuesetversio n text The version of the value set that applied when the data value was instantiated. datavalue was created.
originaltext text The text as seen and/or selected by the user who entered the data. Catalog based vocabulary support

The cv datatype makes use of a number of catalog relations. Installing a codesystem describes how to populate these catalog files with vocabulary contents. Besides HL7v3s codesystems, MGRID also supplies SQL scripts to load support other codesystems, such as SNOMED-CT and LOINC. Constructor methods for ‘cv’

The string literal format of cv is code:codesystemoid<@codesystemversion><:valuesetoid<@valuesetversion>><\|originaltext>;. For instance EVN:2.16.840.1.113883.5.1001 is the reference to the event concept in the ActMood codesystem:

SELECT 'EVN:2.16.840.1.113883.5.1001'::cv);
(1 row)

As an alternative to enter code codesystem pairs, a convenient way to input coded values is by constraining cv, using a type modifier, to a particular conceptdomain:

SELECT 'EVN'::cv('ActMood');
(1 row) Code expression syntax check support

For all HL7v3 codesystems [2], the cv datatype checks if the code is present in the codesystem.

For the SNOMED-CT codesystem 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96, input is also checked for correct syntax.

When a code is not found in a codesystem of which the complete extent is known and is loaded as vocabulary module, a WARNING is returned. It is possible to configure the cv input mode to raise an ERROR instead. Set hdl.concept_input_mode to enforcing to raise errors instead of warnings. For data warehouse loading, permissive might be useful in data loading for later cleaning. For EHR use cases, enforcing is a more appropriate setting. See also WARNING: code <code> not found in valueset(s) bound (no exceptions) to conceptdomain <name>. Functions on ‘cv’

See Working with coded values for examples how to use these functions.

Opera tor Function Argum ents Retur ns Description
# code cv text Returns the plain code symbol defined by the code system, or an expression in a syntax defined by the code system which describes the concept.
## codesystem cv text Returns the OID of the codesystem.
### valueset cv text Returns the OID of the valueset that applied when the cv datavalue was created.
? displayname cv text Returns the name, title or representation for the code or expression as it exists in the code system.
?? codesystemname cv text Returns the name of the codesystem of a cv>.
  codesystemname text text Returns the name of the codesystem given the OID of the codesystem.
??? valuesetname cv text Returns the name of the valueset that applied when the cv datavalue was created.
@@ ``codesystemversion` ` cv text Returns the version of the codesystem of the cv.
@@@ valuesetversion cv text Returns the version of the valueset that applied when the cv datavalue was created.
= equal cv,cv bl Returns true if the codes and codesystems of both operands are equal. The code is compared case sensitive.
<> notequal cv,cv bl Returns true if the codes and codesystems of both operands are different.
<< implies cv,cv bl Returns true if the first operand is a specialization of the second operand. This function is only implemented for the HL7v3 managed codesystems and SNOMED-CT.
>>   cv,cv bl The converse of the implies operator.
  codesystem text set Returns the codes of the HL7v3 codesystem named by the first operand.
  codesystem text, text set This function returns the codes of the HL7v3 codesystem named by the first operand, substring matching the second operand.
  ancestors cv text returns the ancestors of a coded value, as text
  descendants cv text returns the descendants of a coded value, as text
  valueset text set Returns the codes of the valueset named by the first operand.
  valueset text, text set This function returns the codes of the valueset named by the first operand, substring matching the second operand.
  valueset text, cv set This function returns the codes in the valueset named by the first operand, where the code is a specialization of the second operand.
  conceptdomain text set Returns the codes of the conceptdomain named by the first operand.
  conceptdomain text, text set This function returns the codes of the conceptdomain named by the first operand, substring matching the second operand.
  conceptdomain text, cv set This function returns the codes in the conceptdomain named by the first operand, where the code is a specialization of the second operand. Indexing

The cv datatype supports two kinds of indexes, refer to section Using indexes for details.

The guidelines of NullFlavor Handling also apply here. It is not endorsed to use functions, such as implies in WHERE clauses; instead the operator form should be used. The operator for implies is <<:

SELECT * FROM examplecv WHERE a << 'OBS'::cv('ActClass');
(2 rows)

5.3.7. Instance Identifier (ii)

An identifier that uniquely identifies a thing or object. Examples are object identifier for HL7v3 RIM objects, medical record number, order id, service catalog item id, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), etc. Compositional properties of ‘ii’

Name Type Description
root uid A unique identifier that guarantees the global uniqueness of the instance identifier. The root alone may be the entire instance identifier. Please refer to the uuid datatype description of the database server and the contrib module contrib/uuid-ossp for information on generating uuid values.
extension text The extension is a character string that is unique in the namespace designated by the root. If a non-NULL extension exists, the root specifies a namespace (sometimes called “assigning authority” or “identifier type”).

Not supported are the scope and reliability properties defined by the HL7v3 standard. Constructor methods

The string literal form of ii is <root>:<extension>, for a nonnull extension, and <root> if there is no extension. Here follow some examples with the ii data type:

CREATE TABLE exampleii (a ii);

With the contrib module contrib/uuid-ossp it is easy to generate uuid’s:

SELECT * FROM exampleii;

(2 rows) Functions on ‘ii’

Opera tor Function Argum ents Retur ns Description
# root ii text Returns the root of the identifier as text.
## extension ii text Returns the extension of the identifier as text.
? ``identifiername `` ii text Returns the name of the codesystem if the identifier root is an OID. Returns the string UUID if the identifier root is an UUID.
= equal ii, ii bl Returns true if the root and the extension match, false otherwise. Extensions are matched case sensitive.
<> notequal ii, ii bl Returns true if the root and the extension are different, false otherwise. Extensions are matched case sensitive. Indexing

The ii datatype supports two kinds of indexes, refer to section Using indexes for details.

The guidelines of NullFlavor Handling also apply here. It is not endorsed to use functions, such as equal in WHERE clauses; instead the operator form = should be used:

SELECT * FROM exampleii WHERE a = '2.16.840.1.113883.4.1:123121234'::ii;
(1 row)

5.3.8. Ratio (rto)

A rational number (ratio) is the set of all numbers that can be expressed as the quotient of a numerator quantity divided by a denominator quantity. Literal form

The literal form of rto has the form numerator:denominator. The numerator is the quantity that is being divided and has a default value of the integer number 1. The denominator is the quantity that divides the numerator. The value of the denominator shall not be zero. Its default value is the integer number 1. Example:

SELECT '1:64'::rto;
(1 row) Functions on ‘rto’

Opera tor Function Arguments Retur ns Description
  demotionnumer ic rto numer ic Demotes rto to a real by dividing the numerator by the denominator.
  demotionpq rto pq Demotes rto to a pq by dividing the numerator by the denominator. The units are derived by dividing the numerator unit by the denominator unit.
= equal rto,rto bl Two rto are equal if their real equivalents are equal. This means that the rto ‘1:2’ equals ‘2:4’.
<> notequal rto,rto bl Two rto are equal if their real equivalents are equal. This means that the rto ‘1:2’ equals ‘2:4’.
<= lessorequal rto,rto bl Returns true if the real value of the first operand is smaller than or equals the second operands real value.
< lessthan rto,rto bl Returns true if the real value of the first operand is smaller than the second operands real value.
>= greaterorequa l rto,rto bl Returns true if the real value of the first operand is greater than or equals the second operands real value.
> greaterthan rto,rto bl Returns true if the real value of the first operand is greater than the second operands real value.

The examples that follow below use this example table:

CREATE TABLE ratios (a rto, b rto);
INSERT INTO ratios VALUES ('1:2','2:4'),('1:3','4:7'),('NullFlavor.TRC','-1:8');
SELECT * FROM ratios;


       a        |  b
 1:2            | 2:4
 1:3            | 4:7
 NullFlavor.TRC | -1:8
(3 rows)

Demotionreal and demotionpq:

SELECT demotionnumeric(a), demotionpq(a) FROM ratios;
    demotionnumeric     |       demotionpq
                 0.5000 | 0.5
 0.33333333333333333333 | 0.33333333333333333333
                        | NullFlavor.TRC
(3 rows)

Use functions in SELECT lists:

SELECT greaterthan(a,b), isnull(a, 'TRC') FROM ratios;
 greaterthan | isnull
 false       | f
 false       | f
 true        | t
(3 rows)

Use operators in WHERE clauses:

SELECT * FROM ratios WHERE a >= b;
       a        |  b
 1:2            | 2:4
 NullFlavor.TRC | -1:8
(2 rows)

5.3.9. Physical Quantity (pq)

A dimensioned quantity expressing the result of measuring. A physical quantity is a value and a unit of measure, for instance 10 ml/kg. The value is the magnitude of the quantity, and is stored internally as a REAL (numeric). The unit is string that conforms to the *Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM)*. See Unified Codes for Units of Measure for a complete list of the units.

The units that conform to UCUM are stored in the catalog table hdl.pg_ucumunit. An example to query the units is:

SELECT uuname,uudimension,uudescription FROM pg_ucumunit;
   uuname    |    uudimension    |                        uudescription
 m           | m                 | length
 g           | g                 | mass
 s           | s                 | time
 rad         | rad               | plane angle
 K           | K                 | temperature
 C           | C                 | electric charge
 cd          | cd                | luminous intensity
 10*         | 1                 | the number ten for arbitrary powers
 10^         | 1                 | the number ten for arbitrary powers
 [pi]        | 1                 | the number pi
 %           | 10*-2             | percent
 [ppth]      | 10*-3             | parts per thousand
 [ppm]       | 10*-6             | parts per million
 [ppb]       | 10*-9             | parts per billion
 [pptr]      | 10*-12            | parts per trillion
 mol         | 10*23             | mole
 sr          | rad2              | steradian
 Hz          | s-1               | Hertz
 N           | kg.m/s2           | Newton
 Pa          | N/m2              | Pascal
 J           | N.m               | Joule
 W           | J/s               | Watt
 A           | C/s               | Ampère
 V           | J/C               | Volt
 F           | C/V               | Farad
 Ohm         | V/A               | Ohm
 S           | Ohm-1             | Siemens
 Wb          | V.s               | Weber
 Cel         | K                 | degree Celsius
 T           | Wb/m2             | Tesla

... (rows omitted here)

 sph         | [pi].sr           | spere
 [car_m]     | g                 | metric carat
 [car_Au]    | /24               | carat of gold alloys
 [smoot]     | [in_i]            | Smoot
 bit_s       | 1                 | bit
 bit         | 1                 | bit
 By          | bit               | byte
 Bd          | /s                | baud
(264 rows)

Here are some physical quantities with units conforming to UCUM:

SELECT '10 ml'::pq, '120 mm[Hg]'::pq, '10%'::pq, '80 kg{bodyweight}'::pq, 'NullFlavor.QS ml'::pq;
  pq   |     pq     |  pq  |        pq         |        pq
 10 ml | 120 mm[Hg] | 10 % | 80 kg{bodyweight} | NullFlavor.QS ml

Since monkeys does not conform to UCUM, it cannot be used as unit:

SELECT '10 monkeys'::pq;
ERROR:  bad ucum representation
DETAIL:  unknown unit symbol at or near position 3:"monkeys"

Physical quantities can also be stored in tables with columns of type pq or a generalization of pq:

CREATE TABLE things (a pq, b hl7.any);
INSERT INTO things VALUES ('80 kg{bodyweight}','120 mm[Hg]'::pq);
INSERT INTO things VALUES ('NullFlavor.QS ml','10 %'::pq);
SELECT * FROM things;



     a         |     b
 80 kg{bodyweight} | 120 mm[Hg]
 NullFlavor.QS ml  | 10 %

The pq type and the NullFlavor handling conform to the Healthcare Datatype specification. It is impossible to create data that does not conform to the specification. For instance, not all NullFlavors are allowed in the pq datatype:

INSERT INTO things VALUES ('NullFlavor.DER',NULL);
ERROR:  The NullFlavor 'NullFlavor.DER' can only be used in association with the type EXPR Functions and operators on ‘pq’

Opera tor Function Arguments Retur ns Description
  canonical pq pq Returns the physical quantity expressed in base units. The 7 base units are m (meter), s (second), g (gram), K (Kelvin), cd (candela), C (coulomb), rad (radian).
= equal pq,pq bl Two physical quantities are equal if their canonical forms have the same value and unit. For instance, 1 m and 100 cm are equal. Returns NullFlavor.NA if operands do not compare.
< lessthan pq,pq bl Less than on pq values. Returns Null if the operands do not compare.
<= lessorequal pq,pq bl Less or equal on pq values. Returns Null if the operands do not compare.
>= greaterorequa l pq,pq bl Greater or equal on pq values. Returns Null if the operands do not compare.
> greaterthan pq,pq bl Greater than on pq values. Returns Null if the operands do not compare.
/= compares pq,pq bl Two physical quantities compare with each other if the units of their canonical forms are equal.
  isone pq bl A predicate indicating if this value is the number one, i.e., the neutral element of multiplication. There is exactly one physical quantity that has this property and is called the unity.
* times pq,real pq Scalar multiplication of the value property.
* times pq,pq pq The product of two physical quantities is the product of their values times the product of their units.
/ dividedby pq,real pq Scalar division of the value property.
/ dividedby pq,pq pq The division of one physical quantities (dividend) by another (divisor) is the division of their values times the division of their units.
! inverted pq pq A pq value, which, when muliplied with another pq value yields one (the neutral element of multiplication). Zero (the neutral element of addition) has no inverse element. The quotient of two comparable quantities is comparable to the unity (the unit 1).
  topq real, int, numeric pq Make a pq value from a real, int or numeric with unit 1.
  demotion pq real If a quantity has the unit 1 (one) it can be converted to a REAL number. For instance, demotion('100'::pq) is the number 100.
^ power pq,real [3 ]_ pq A physical quantity can be raised to an REAL power.
+ add pq,pq pq Two physical quantities that compare each other can be added.
- subtract pq,pq pq Two physical quantities that compare each other can be subtracted.
  unit pq cs Returns the unit of the quantity.
  convert pq,text pq Converts the first operand to another pq with the unit specified by the second operand. The units must compare.

Recall from section NullFlavor Handling that functions like equal or greaterthan must be used in SELECT lists, and in WHERE clauses their corresponding operators = and >= must be used. It is not endorsed to use functions in WHERE clauses if an operator exists.

Section Using indexes describes how to create indexes on pq columns. Aggregates on ‘pq’

pq aggregates can only operate on a set of pq values that are comparable to each other. Values are considered in their canonical representation during the aggregation.

Aggregate Returns Description
sum pq Returns the sum.
avg pq Returns the mean.
stddev pq Returns the population standard deviation.
stddev_pop pq Alias for stddev.
stddev_samp pq Returns the sample standard deviation.
variance pq Returns the population variance.
var_pop pq Alias for variance.
var_samp pq Returns the sample variance.

An example using a table that only contains measures of length:

CREATE TABLE pqa(v pq);
INSERT INTO pqa VALUES ('1m'), ('2m'), ('3m'), ('4m'), ('5m'), ('6m'), ('7m'), ('8m'), ('9m'), ('10m');
SELECT sum(v), count(v), avg(v), stddev(v), variance(v) FROM pqa;


 sum  | count |  avg  |    stddev    | variance
 55 m |    10 | 5.5 m | 2.87228132 m | 8.25 m.m
(1 row) Flavors of ‘pq’

The type length of time pq_time constraints pq so that is has a unit that describe a period of time. Valid use of pq_time include all physical quantities that compare to the base unit s (seconds). This type is used by ivl_ts for its width and centerwidth forms, described in Centerwidth form.

SELECT '1 s'::pq_time;
SELECT '24 h'::pq_time;
 1 s
(1 row)

 24 h
(1 row)

If a unit does not compare to s it cannot be used as a unit of pq_time:

SELECT '1 eV'::pq_time;
ERROR:  value for domain pq_time violates check constraint "pq_time_compares_to_s"

Use the following query to show the units that compare to s

SELECT uuname, uudimension, uubasefactor, uudescription
   FROM pg_ucumunit
   WHERE uubase_s=1 and uubase_m+uubase_g+uubase_rad+uubase_k+uubase_c+uubase_cd=0;
 uuname | uudimension |  uubasefactor  |    uudescription
 s      | s           | 1              | time
 min    | s           | 6e1            | minute
 h      | min         | 3.6e3          | hour
 d      | h           | 8.64e4         | day
 a_t    | d           | 3.1556925216e7 | tropical year
 a_j    | d           | 3.15576e7      | mean Julian year
 a_g    | d           | 3.1556952e7    | mean Gregorian year
 a      | a_j         | 3.15576e7      | year
 wk     | d           | 6.048e5        | week
 mo_s   | d           | 2.551442976e6  | synodal month
 mo_j   | a_j/12      | 2.6298e6       | mean Julian month
 mo_g   | a_g/12      | 2.629746e6     | mean Gregorian month
 mo     | mo_j        | 2.6298e6       | month
 [S]    | 10*-13.s    | 1e-13          | Svedberg unit

5.3.10. Point in Time (ts)

A quantity specifying a point on the axis of natural time. Internally, a ts is very similar to the Postgresql timestamp-with-timezone datatype. Both are implemented by storing the number of ticks that have transpired since an (arbitrary) starting date called the epoch. Both also are aware of timezones and internally store the values as UTC timestamps.

The difference between a ts and the regular PostgreSQL timestamp is that ts is always returned with the same precision as it was input. A regular timestamp is formatted according to PostgreSQL datastyle settings. Another difference between PostgreSQL timestamp and HL7 TS is that the the HL7 ts comparison functions also consider the precision of the operands. This means that two TS can only be compared if they have the same precision in the integer part:

SELECT equal('20081217143012'::ts,'20081217'::ts);
(1 row)

If two timestamps have the same precision in their integerpart, they can be compared:

SELECT equal('20081217143012.000'::ts,'20081217143012'::ts);
(1 row) Interaction between ‘ts’, date and timestamp with time zone

The ts datatype is equally expressive as the native time timestamp with time zone datatype. Two casts are provided, so the standard timestamp and date functions of the database server can be used:

  1. From timestamp with timezone to ts. The result is a ts with maximum precision and timezone information. This is the recommended form to register times of events, since these timestamps can be converted to UTC.

    SELECT current_timestamp::ts AS timestamp;
    (1 row)
  2. From date to ts. The result is a ts with precision 8 and no timezone. It is not recommended to use this point in time format to register event times, use the full datetime format of timestamp with timezone instead.

    SELECT current_date::ts AS date;
    (1 row) Functions on ‘ts’

Oper ator Function Args Returns Description
  promotion ts ivl_ts Promotes a ts to an interval.
  offset ts pq The elapsed time since any constant epoch, measured as a physical quantity in the dimension of time (i.e., comparable to one second).
= equal ts,ts bl Equality function for ts. Returns Null if the precision of the operands differ.
< lessthan ts,ts bl Less than on ts values. Returns Null if the precision of the operands differ.
<= lessorequa l ts,ts bl Less or equal on ts values. Returns Null if the precision of the operands differ.
>= greaterore qual ts,ts bl Greater or equal on ts values. Returns Null if the precision of the operands differ.
>> greatertha n ts,ts bl Greater than on ts values. Returns Null if the precision of the operands differ.
  calendar ts cs A code specifying the calendar used in the literal representation of this ts. MGRID HDL currently only implements the Gregorian calendar, hence this function always returns GREG.
  ``precision` ` ts int The number of significant digits of the calendar expression representation.
  timezone ts pq The difference between the local time in that time zone and the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC, formerly called Greenwich Mean Time, GMT). When timezone is NULL, “local time” is assumed. However, “local time” is always local to some place, and without knowledge of that place, the time zone is unknown. Hence, a local time cannot be converted to UTC.
+ plus ts, pq_time ts A ts plus an elapsed time is a ts.
- minus ts, pq_time ts A ts minus an elapsed time is a ts.
- minus ts, ts pq The difference between two ts values is an elapsed time.
  timestampt z2ts timestamp with timezone ts

Casts PostgreSQL internal ``timestamp

with timezone`` datatype

to the HL7 ts type.

  ts2timesta mptz ts timestamp with timezone Casts HL7 ts to Postgresql internal timestamp with timezone.
  date2ts date ts Casts PostgreSQL internal date datatype to the HL7 ts. Flavors of ‘ts’

The ts_date flavor constrains ts with a maximum precision of a date, and no timezone:

SELECT '200812'::ts_date;
SELECT '2008120112'::ts_date;
(1 row)

ERROR:  value for domain ts_date violates check constraint "ts_date_prcs_le_8_no_tz"

The ts_date_full flavor constrains ts so that it contains a reference to a particular day, having exactly the precision of a date, and no timezone:

SELECT '20081217'::ts_date;
(1 row)

The ts_datetime flavor constrains ts so that it cannot contain a fractional part. This limits the maximum precision to seconds:

SELECT '20081217173859'::ts_datetime;
(1 row)

The ts_datetime_full flavor constrains ts so that it contains a reference to a particular second with a timezone, having exactly the precision of seconds:

SELECT '20081217173759+0100'::ts_datetime_full;
(1 row)

The ts_birth flavor constrains ts so it can only contain a birth date. This means it can contain either a year, a particular day or a fully specified date:

SELECT '2008'::ts_birth as birthyear, '20081217'::ts_birth as birthday, '20081217131241'::ts_birth as birth_full;
 birthyear | birthday |   birth_full
 2008      | 20081217 | 20081217141241
(1 row)

5.3.11. Interval of Point in Time (ivl_ts)

An interval of time is a set of consecutive values of timestamps, and can be used to define periods of time. Together with the ts and qset_ts Healthcare Datatypes, ivl_ts enables a wealth of operations that allow powerfull temporal expressions. These expressions can be used to query data, and also be stored in table columns. ‘ivl_ts’ literal Form

The ivl_ts has seven different literal forms for input. When operations are performed on intervals, the result will is in interval form.

Name Example Description
Interval form [20000816102108;20010616192108] Interval
Comparator form <20080101 Comparator form
Centerwidth form 20010704145108 [300s] Centerwidth form
Width form [10d] Width form
Center form 20110704 Center form
Any form ?200101? Any form
Hull form 20010101..20101231 Hull form Interval

The interval form of ivl_ts uses brackets to denote the boundaries of the interval and a ; as separator. An example of this form denoting the interval between 2008, the first of january, 13:12:51 and the 31st of januari, time 15:56:29:

SELECT '[20080101131251;20080131155629]'::ivl_ts;
(1 row)

The precision of the interval boundary is irrelevant for the interval. This means that the interval [20010101;20010131] is not the whole month of january in 2001. The proper way of denoting an entire calendar month is to use an open high boundary, e.g.: [20010101;20010201[ Comparator form

The comparator form of ivl_ts uses <, <=, > or >= to indicate one of the two boundaries of the interval. The other boundary is always positive or negative infinity. Examples:

SELECT '<20080101'::ivl_ts;
SELECT '<=20080101'::ivl_ts;
(1 row)

(1 row) Centerwidth form

The centerwidth form of ivl_ts consists of two parts. The first part indicates the center of the interval. The second part indicates the width of the interval using a pq_time, that is described in Flavors of ‘pq’. The second part uses brackets for its boundaries, and is always output in number of seconds. Examples:

SELECT '20010115135108 [10s]'::ivl_ts;
(1 row) Width form

The width form of ivl_ts is used to denote an interval with a known width, but with unknown boundaries. This form consists of the width (a``pq_time``, Flavors of ‘pq’) in brackets, and is always output as number of seconds:

SELECT '[10d]'::ivl_ts;
(1 row) Center form

The center form of ivl_ts is used to denote an interval of which only the center position is known:

SELECT '20010101'::ivl_ts;
(1 row)

Note that operators that require widths to function will return NullFlavor.UNK when presented with a center form ivl_ts. Any form

ivl_ts has a special literal form for the HL7 concept of “contained value” (any). This means that only part of the interval is known, e.g. to indicate that something has happened some time in january 2001 could be written as:

SELECT '?200101?'::ivl_ts;
(1 row)

Note that operators that require widths to function will return NullFlavor.UNK when presented with a any form ivl_ts. Hull form

The hull format provides for a simpler way to denote intervals compared to the interval form. The hull form is bracketless and uses .. as a separator. The entire first month of 2001 can be denoted as “20010101..20010131”, which includes the whole last day of january. Thus the (hull form) interval “20010101..20010131” equals the (interval form) interval [20010101;20010201[.

The hull-form of ivl_ts offers an abbreviation where it is not necessary for the higher timestamp literal to repeat the digits on the left that are the same of the lower timestamp literal. Some examples follow.

The first month of 2001:

SELECT '20010101..20010131'::ivl_ts;
(1 row)

The first two months of 2001:

SELECT '[20010101;2001010301['::ivl_ts as "interval", '20010101..20010228'::ivl_ts as "hull", '20010101..0228'::ivl_ts as "hull abbrev";
        interval         |        hull         |     hull abbrev
 [2001010100;2001010301[ | [20010101;20010301[ | [20010101;20010301[
(1 row) Functions on ‘ivl_ts’

The functions on ivl_ts, listed in Functions on ‘ivl_ts’, can be used to create new temporal datavalues, and also to compare values.

Operat or Function Argume nts Return s Description
  promotion ts ivl_t s Promotes a ts to an interval. This function is used when a timestamp is casted to an interval.
  demotion ivl_t s ts Demotes an interval to a ts. When both boundaries are finite, the result is the timestamp at the center of the interval. Demotion of a interval with an infinite boundary, the result is the other boundary. Demotion of [NullFlavor.NINF;NullFlavor.PINF] results in a timestamp with NullFlavor.NA.
= equal ivl_t s, ivl_t s bl Two ivl_ts are equals if both their values and the integer part of their precision match
<> notequal ivl_t s, ivl_t s bl  
~ contains ivl_t s, ts bl Returns true if the first operand contains the second operand.
~ contains ivl_t s, ivl _ts bl Returns true if the first operand contains the second operand.
@ contained ts, ivl_t s bl Return true if the first operand is contained in the second operand
@ contained ivl_t s, ivl_t s bl Return true if the first operand is contained in the second operand
&& overlaps ivl_t s, ivl_t s bl Return true if the first operand overlaps with the second operand
  intervalafte r ivl_t s, ts ivl_t s Returns the part of the first operand that starts after the ts in the second operand. If there is no overlap, NullFlavor.NA is returned to indicate there is no interval result.
  intervalbefo re ivl_t s, ts ivl_t s Returns the part of the first operand that end before the ts in the second operand. If there is no overlap, NullFlavor.NA is returned to indicate there is no interval result.
  convexhull ivl_t s, ivl_t s ivl_t s Returns the least interval that is a superset of both operands
  lowvalue ivl_t s ts Returns the lower limit of the interval
  highvalue ivl_t s ts Returns the upper limit of the interval
  anyvalue ivl_t s ts Returns the any value of the input interval in ts format.
  width ivl_t s pq Returns the difference between the high and low boundary. The result is a PQ
  centervalue ivl_t s ts Returns the ts at the center of the interval
  lowclosed ivl_t s boolea n Returns true if the low boundary is closed
  highclosed ivl_t s boolea n Returns true if the high boundary is closed

Now follow examples for each of the functions defined above. Some of the examples use this example table:

CREATE TABLE intervals (a ivl_ts);
SELECT * FROM intervals;


(3 rows)

The comparator literal form (Comparator form) can be used together with the && overlaps operator to query the database for intervals that are before, or overlap with a certain timestamp or interval:

SELECT * FROM intervals WHERE a && '<=19981010';
(1 row)

The promotion function is used when a timestamp is cast to an interval of time:

SELECT '20010131'::ts::ivl_ts AS "ivl";
(1 row)

Demotion of intervals to timestamps with a certain precision. Note that the demotion of an interval with an infinite boundary is not the timestamp at the center. See table Functions on ‘ivl_ts’ for a discussion.

SELECT a, demotion(a) FROM intervals;
             a              | demotion
 [20010101;20010301[        | 20010130
 [200101;200103[            | 200101
 [NullFlavor.NINF;20010430] | 20010430
(3 rows)

Equal and notequal:

SELECT a, equal(a,'[20010101;20010301['), notequal(a,'[20010101;20010301[') FROM intervals;
             a              | equal | notequal
 [20010101;20010301[        | true  | false
 [200101;200103[            | true  | false
 [NullFlavor.NINF;20010430] | false | true
(3 rows)

Contains and contained:

SELECT a, contains(a,'[20010118;20010131]'::ivl_ts), contained(a,'[20000101;20010501]'::ivl_ts) FROM intervals;
             a              | contains | contained
 [20010101;20010301[        | true     | true
 [200101;200103[            | true     | true
 [NullFlavor.NINF;20010430] | true     | false
(3 rows)

Intervalbefore and intervalafter:

 SELECT a, intervalafter(a,'20010203'), intervalbefore(a,'20010203') FROM intervals;
             a              |    intervalafter    |       intervalbefore
 [20010101;20010301[        | ]20010203;20010301[ | [20010101;20010203[
 [200101;200103[            | ]20010203;200103[   | [200101;20010203[
 [NullFlavor.NINF;20010430] | ]20010203;20010430] | [NullFlavor.NINF;20010203[
(3 rows)

Convex hull, lowvalue and highvalue:

 SELECT a, convexhull(a, '20010805..1231'), lowvalue(a), highvalue(a) FROM intervals;
             a              |         convexhull         |    lowvalue     | highvalue
 [20010101;20010301[        | [20010101;20020101[        | 20010101        | 20010301
 [200101;200103[            | [20010101;20020101[        | 200101          | 200103
 [NullFlavor.NINF;20010430] | [NullFlavor.NINF;20020101[ | NullFlavor.NINF | 20010430
(3 rows)


SELECT anyvalue('?2002?'::ivl_ts);
(1 row)

Width, centervalue, lowclosed and highclosed:

 SELECT a, width(a), canonical(width(a)/'86400 s') AS width_days, centervalue(a),lowclosed(a),highclosed(a) FROM intervals;
             a              |   width   | width_days |   centervalue   | lowclosed | highclosed
 [20010101;20010301[        | 5097600 s | 59         | 20010130        | t         | f
 [200101;200103[            | 5097600 s | 59         | 200101          | t         | f
 [NullFlavor.NINF;20010430] |           |            | NullFlavor.NINF | t         | t
(3 rows)

An extra example using the highvalue and peforms further calculation with the resulting ts, which is automatically cast to Timestamp with timezone:

SELECT highvalue('2002..2003'::ivl_ts) + interval '2 days';
 2004-01-03 00:00:00+01
(1 row)

5.3.12. Interval of Physical Quantity (ivl_pq)

A set of consecutive values of physical quantities. ivl_pq Literal Form

The ivl_pq literal has a number of different formats which are described below.


On output of an interval, the physical quantity values and units will be displayed in their canonical form. For instance, this means that on output, prefixes such as m for milli are not used, but the value shown is divided by 1000. Also, an interval with the unit Hz will be displayed using s-1. Also annotations like {bodyweight} are not shown on output. This behaviour is likely to change in a future version. Interval form

The interval form of ivl_pq uses brackets to denote the boundaries of the interval and a ; as separator. An example of this form denoting the interval between 2 mm and 5 mm:

SELECT '[2mm;5mm]'::ivl_pq;
SELECT '[10 [gal_us];10 [gal_br]]'::ivl_pq;
 [0.002 m;0.005 m]
(1 row)

An interval containing the difference between the British Imperial gallon and the U.S. gallon:

 [0.03785411784 m3;0.0454609 m3]
(1 row) Dash form

The dash form of ivl_pq does not use brackets, only a``-`` as separator. An example of the dash form:

 select '2mm-5mm'::ivl_pq;
 [0.002 m;0.005 m]
(1 row) Simple form

Because both boundaries of a ivl_pq have the same unit, the unit can be factored out of the brackets. This leads to the simple form of``ivl_pq``. Examples of the simple form:

SELECT '[20;20000] Hz'::ivl_pq;
SELECT '[1500;2000] [nmi_i]'::ivl_pq as nautical_miles;
 [20 s-1;20000 s-1]
(1 row)

 [2778000 m;3704000 m]
(1 row) Comparator form

The comparator form of ivl_pq uses <, <=, > or >= to indicate one of the two boundaries of the interval. The other boundary is always positive or negative infinity. Examples:

 select '<3hPa'::ivl_pq;
SELECT '>= 100mm[Hg]'::ivl_pq;
 ]-inf m-1.g.s-2;300000 m-1.g.s-2[
(1 row)

 [13332200 m-1.g.s-2;inf m-1.g.s-2[
(1 row) Centerwidth form

The centerwidth form of ivl_pq consists of two parts. The first part is a pq that indicates the center of the interval. The second part is a pq that indicates the width of the interval. The second part uses brackets for its boundaries and should use the same (canonical) unit as the first. Examples:

SELECT '2mm [3m]'::ivl_pq;
SELECT '2mm [3l]'::ivl_pq;
 [-1.498 m;1.502 m]
(1 row)

ERROR:  interval unit mismatch: ivl_pq is of type 'm3', not of type 'm'
LINE 1: select '2mm [3l]'::ivl_pq; Width form

The width form of ivl_pq is used to denote an interval with a known width, but with unknown boundaries. This form consists of the width (a``pq``) in brackets:

SELECT '[500mbar]'::ivl_pq;
 [50000000 m-1.g.s-2]
(1 row) Center form

The center form of ivl_pq is used to denote an interval of which only the center position is known:

SELECT '100kg'::ivl_pq;
 100000 g
(1 row) Any form

ivl_pq has a special literal form for the concept of “contained value” (any). This means that only part of the interval is known, e.g. to indicate that the only thing known about a interval is that it contains the value``50ml`` the any form can be used:

SELECT '?50ml?'::ivl_pq;
 ?5e-05 m3?
(1 row) Functions on ‘ivl_pq’

The functions on ivl_pq can be found in Functions on ‘ivl_pq’. All of these functions are derived from the general ivl type (Interval specializes QSET).

Operat or Function Argume nts Return s Description
  promotion pq ivl_p q

Promotion is not supported. To promote a physical quantity to an interval, pq would need to explicitly store the precision, so it can differentiate between e.g. 1.00 m and ``1

m``. Since that is not specified

by the Healthcare Datatype standard for physical quantity, promotion to ivl_pq is not possible.

  demotion ivl_p q pq Demotes a ivl_pq to a pq. Demotion of a finite interval results in a pq that denotes the center of the interval. Demotion of a interval with one non-finite end results in a pq that denotes the finite end of the interval. Demotion of [NullFlavor.NINF;NullFlavor.PINF] will result in an error.
= equal ivl_p q, ivl_p q bl Two ivl_pq are equals if both their values and the integer part of their precision match
<> notequal ivl_p q, ivl_p q bl Two ivl_pq are equals if both their values and the integer part of their precision match
~ contains ivl_p q, pq bl Returns true if the pq value of the second operand falls within the interval in the first operand.
~ contains ivl_p q, ivl_p q bl Returns true if the second operand falls within the first operand.
@ contained ivl_p q, ivl_p q bl Return true if the first operand starts and stops in the interval of the second operand.
  lowclosed ivl_p q boolea n Returns true if the low boundary is closed.
  highclosed ivl_p q boolea n Returns true if the high boundary is closed.
&& overlapsbool ivl_p q, ivl_p q boolea n Returns true if there is an overlap between the intervals of the two operands.
  lowclosed ivl_p q boolea n Returns true if the low boundary is closed.
  highclosed ivl_p q boolea n Returns true if the high boundary is closed.
  intervalafte r ivl_p q, pq ivl_p q Returns the part of the first operand that starts after the pq in the second operand.
  intervalbefo re ivl_p q, pq ivl_p q Returns the part of the first operand that end before the pq in the second operand.
  convex hull ivl_p q, ivl_p q ivl_p q Returns the least interval that is a superset of both operands
  lowvalue ivl_p q pq Returns the lower limit of the interval
  highvalue ivl_p q pq Returns the upper limit of the interval
  anyvalue ivl_p q pq Returns the any value of the input interval in pq format.
  width ivl_p q pq Returns the difference between the high and low boundary. The result is a PQ
  centervalue ivl_p q pq Returns the pq at the center of the interval

Now follow examples for each of the functions defined above. Some of the examples use an following example table:

CREATE TABLE intervals_pq (a ivl_pq);
INSERT INTO intervals_pq VALUES ('[3mm;5mm['),('100mm[Hg]-120mm[Hg]'),('[50;80] kg{bodyweight}'), ('[105;150] mm[Hg]');
SELECT * FROM intervals_pq;


 [0.003 m;0.005 m[
 [13332200 m-1.g.s-2;15998640 m-1.g.s-2]
 [50000 g;80000 g]
 [13998810 m-1.g.s-2;19998300 m-1.g.s-2]
(4 rows)


SELECT a, demotion(a) FROM intervals_pq;
                a                    |      demotion
 [0.003 m;0.005 m[                       | 0.004 m
 [13332200 m-1.g.s-2;15998640 m-1.g.s-2] | 14665420 m-1.g.s-2
 [50000 g;80000 g]                       | 65000 g
 [13998810 m-1.g.s-2;19998300 m-1.g.s-2] | 16998555 m-1.g.s-2
(4 rows)

Equal and notequal. If units do not compare, the NA nullflavor is returned.

SELECT a, equal(a, '50kg-80kg'), notequal(a, '50kg-80kg') FROM intervals_pq;
                    a                    |     equal     |   notequal
 [0.003 m;0.005 m[                       | NullFlavor.NA | NullFlavor.NA
 [13332200 m-1.g.s-2;15998640 m-1.g.s-2] | NullFlavor.NA | NullFlavor.NA
 [50000 g;80000 g]                       | true          | false
 [13998810 m-1.g.s-2;19998300 m-1.g.s-2] | NullFlavor.NA | NullFlavor.NA
(4 rows)

Contains and contained:

SELECT a, contains(a,'[110mm[Hg];115mm[Hg]]'::ivl_pq), contained(a,'[102mm[Hg];160mm[Hg]]'::ivl_pq) FROM intervals_pq;
                    a                    |   contains    |   contained
 [0.003 m;0.005 m[                       | NullFlavor.NA | NullFlavor.NA
 [13332200 m-1.g.s-2;15998640 m-1.g.s-2] | true          | false
 [50000 g;80000 g]                       | NullFlavor.NA | NullFlavor.NA
 [13998810 m-1.g.s-2;19998300 m-1.g.s-2] | true          | true
(4 rows)

Intervalbefore and intervalafter:

SELECT a, intervalafter(a, '4 mm'::pq), intervalbefore(a, '4 mm'::pq) FROM intervals_pq;
                    a                    |   intervalafter   |  intervalbefore
 [0.003 m;0.005 m[                       | ]0.004 m;0.005 m[ | [0.003 m;0.004 m[
 [13332200 m-1.g.s-2;15998640 m-1.g.s-2] | NullFlavor.NA     | NullFlavor.NA
 [50000 g;80000 g]                       | NullFlavor.NA     | NullFlavor.NA
 [13998810 m-1.g.s-2;19998300 m-1.g.s-2] | NullFlavor.NA     | NullFlavor.NA

Convex hull

SELECT a, convexhull(a , '[4;10] mm'::ivl_pq) FROM intervals_pq;
                    a                    |    convexhull
 [0.003 m;0.005 m[                       | [0.003 m;0.01 m]
 [13332200 m-1.g.s-2;15998640 m-1.g.s-2] | NullFlavor.NA
 [50000 g;80000 g]                       | NullFlavor.NA
 [13998810 m-1.g.s-2;19998300 m-1.g.s-2] | NullFlavor.NA
(4 rows)

Lowvalue and highvalue:

SELECT a, lowvalue(a), highvalue(a) FROM intervals_pq;
                    a                    |      lowvalue      |     highvalue
 [0.003 m;0.005 m[                       | 0.003 m            | 0.005 m
 [13332200 m-1.g.s-2;15998640 m-1.g.s-2] | 13332200 m-1.g.s-2 | 15998640 m-1.g.s-2
 [50000 g;80000 g]                       | 50000 g            | 80000 g
 [13998810 m-1.g.s-2;19998300 m-1.g.s-2] | 13998810 m-1.g.s-2 | 19998300 m-1.g.s-2
(4 rows)


SELECT anyvalue('?20 mm[Hg]?'::ivl_pq);
 2666440 m-1.g.s-2
(1 row)

Width, centervalue:

SELECT a, width(a), centervalue(a) FROM intervals_pq;
                    a                    |       width       |    centervalue
 [0.003 m;0.005 m[                       | 0.002 m           | 0.004 m
 [13332200 m-1.g.s-2;15998640 m-1.g.s-2] | 2666440 m-1.g.s-2 | 14665420 m-1.g.s-2
 [50000 g;80000 g]                       | 30000 g           | 65000 g
 [13998810 m-1.g.s-2;19998300 m-1.g.s-2] | 5999490 m-1.g.s-2 | 16998555 m-1.g.s-2
(4 rows)

5.3.13. Continuous set of Point in Time (qset_ts)

qset_ts is a set of time intervals, can be expressed as unions and exceptions of ivl_ts. ‘qset_ts’ Literal Form

A qset_ts can be constructed using an expression of unions and exclusions that corresponding to the qset_ts grammar definition, where each element is a ivl_ts supplied in interval form (Interval). Unions and exclusions are specified using the infix binary operators ; and \ respectively. Intersections are specified using a single whitespace between operands. Intersection takes precendence over union, and union takes precedence over exclusion. Parentheses can be used to force precedence. Note that the hull is not supported at this point. For GTS support with PIVL_TS, see Complex type array instantiating of a GTS value.

Examples: the years 2000 to 2001, and 2003 to 2004.

SELECT '[2000;2001];[2003;2004]'::qset_ts;
(1 row)

the years 2000 to 2010 except 2003

SELECT '2000 .. 2010'::ivl_ts::qset_ts - '2003'::ivl_ts AS exceptexample;
(1 row)

qset_ts has a literal form that is generated during the parse phase. The original literal form is lost when the qset_ts is used as an operand in the functions described below. Then the literal form is set to the canonical form consisting of unions of disjunct ivl_ts. ‘qset_ts’ Functions

Op Function Arguments Retu rns Description
= equal qset_ts, qset_ts bool Two qset_ts are equal if they specify the same canonical time intervals. Note that different literal forms may lead to the same canonical qset_ts.
<> notequal qset_ts, qset_ts bool Two qset_ts are not equal if they specify different canonical time intervals.
qset_tsunion qset_ts, qset_ts qset _ts Returns the union of the two operands.
qset_tsunionivl_ ts qset_ts, ivl_ts qset _ts Returns the union of the two operands.
sum( ) qset_tsunionivl_ ts qset_ts, ivl_ts qset _ts Aggregate that returns the union of the operands.
qset_tsexcept qset_ts, qset_ts qset _ts Returns the exclusion of the second operand from the first.
& ``qset_tsintersect `` qset_ts, qset_ts qset _ts Returns the intersection of the operands.
  ivl_ts2qset_ts ivl_ts qset _ts Cast an ivl_ts into a qset_ts.
  ``qset_ts2_ivl_ts` ` qset_ts ivl_ts[ ] Cast a qset_ts into an array of ivl_ts.
  ts2qset_ts ts qset _ts Promote a ts and return the result as a qset_ts.
  canonical qset_ts qset _ts Returns the canonical value of the operand as qset_ts. ‘qset_ts’ Examples

The first example shows the sum() aggregate with query results in the canonical form, i.e. a qset_ts literal that is the union of disjunct ivl_ts. The second example shows an explicit cast to an array of ivl_ts. The third example shows how two different qset_ts literals can specify the same canonical interval.

CREATE TABLE medication (name text, effectivetime ivl_ts);
INSERT INTO medication VALUES ('Scott', '[20100316;20100514]');
INSERT INTO medication VALUES ('Scott', '[20100420;20100701]');
INSERT INTO medication VALUES ('Scott', '[20101220;20110119]');
INSERT INTO medication VALUES ('Julia', '[20100516;20100614]');
INSERT INTO medication VALUES ('Julia', '[20100620;20100801]');
INSERT INTO medication VALUES ('Julia', '[20101220;20110119]');
SELECT name, '2010' - sum(effectivetime) AS nomeds
       FROM medication
       GROUP BY name;
SELECT '[2000;2001];[2001;2002]\<2001'::qset_ts::ivl_ts[];
select '2010..1'::qset_ts = '2010;2011' as equal;
 name   |                           nomeds
 Scott  | [20100101;20100316[;]20100701;20101220[
 Julia  | [20100101;20100516[;]20100614;20100620[;]20100801;20101220[
(2 rows)

(1 row)

(1 row)

5.4. Context conduction

There are two kinds of context conduction defined on the RIM. The former conduction-indicator-based (C) is depricated since RIM 2.30 and replaced by the new vocabulary-based (V) context conduction.

5.4.1. Conduction Indicator Based

MGRID HDM and XFM provide three implementations for conduction indicator based context conduction.

  1. The extension hl7v3_c_contextconduction_edition2011 implements a trigger based implementation, where the additional context records are added immediately after insertion or update of records.
  2. The extension hl7v3_c_block_contextconduction_edition2011, implements a trigger based solution, where the additional context records are added at the end of the transaction. This implementation is faster than the other trigger based implementation. The drawback of block context conduction is that it cannot be used to query documents safely, until after the transaction (commit of the changes) has ended.
  3. The XFM module uploads data to the lake in microbatches. Before upload, the pre-processing SQL script ./pond/preprocess/010_ccontextconduction.sql adds context records for all the documents in the microbatch to upload. This method is faster than the trigger based implementations.

6. Index support

The following query shows all the operator classes available for the Healthcare Datatypes. See section Using indexes for examples how to to create and use indexes.

SELECT opc.opcintype::regtype::text COLLATE "C" AS indexed_type,
am.amname AS index_method,
opc.opcname AS opclass_name,
opc.opcdefault AS is_default,
(SELECT string_agg(x,' ') FROM (
SELECT substring(amop.amopopr::regoperator::text from '^.*(?=\()') AS x
 FROM pg_amop amop
 WHERE amop.amopfamily = opc.opcfamily
 AND amop.amopmethod = opc.opcmethod
 AND substring(amop.amopopr::regoperator::text from '^.*(?=\()') NOT IN ('#<#', '#<=#', '#>=#', '#>#', '#=#')
)AS operators) AS operators
FROM pg_am am, pg_opclass opc
WHERE opc.opcmethod = am.oid
AND 'hl7' = (
 SELECT nspname
 FROM pg_namespace nsp
 JOIN pg_type typ
 ON typnamespace = nsp.oid
 AND typ.oid = opc.opcintype)
ORDER BY indexed_type, index_method, opclass_name;
 indexed_type | index_method |    opclass_name     | is_default |  operators
 "ANY"        | btree        | btree_ANY_ops       | t          | #<# #<=# =
 "ANY"        | gin          | gin_ANY_hash_ops    | f          | @>
 "ANY"        | gin          | gin_ANY_ops         | t          | @>
 "ANY"        | gist         | gist_ANY_ops        | t          | @>
 "ANY"        | gist         | gist_SET_II_ops     | f          | &&
 "ANY"        | hash         | hash_ANY_ops        | t          | =
 bl           | btree        | bl_ops              | t          | < <= = >= >
 bn           | btree        | bn_ops              | t          | < <= = >= >
 bn           | hash         | hash_bn_ops         | t          | =
 cv           | btree        | cv_ops              | t          | #<#
 cv           | gist         | gist_cv_df          | f          | = >> <<
 cv           | gist         | gist_cv_ops         | t          | = >> <<
 cv           | hash         | hash_cv_ops         | t          | =
 hl7."any"    | btree        | any_ops             | t          | #<#
 ii           | btree        | ii_ops              | t          | #<#
 ii           | gist         | gist_ii_ops         | t          | =
 ii           | hash         | hash_ii_ops         | t          | =
 ii[]         | gin          | gin__ii_ops         | t          | && <@ @> =
 ivl_pq       | btree        | ivl_pq_ops          | t          | #<#
 ivl_pq       | gist         | gist_ivl_pqops      | t          | && = ~ @
 ivl_ts       | btree        | ivl_ts_ops          | t          | #<#
 ivl_ts       | gist         | gist_ivl_tsops      | t          | && = ~ @
 ivl_ts       | gist         | gist_ivl_tsunionops | f          | && = ~ @
 ivl_ts       | hash         | hash_ivl_ts_ops     | t          | =
 pq           | btree        | pq_ops_equal        | t          | #<#
 pq           | btree        | pq_ops_identical    | f          | ==
 pq           | gist         | gist_pq_ops         | t          | < <= = >= >
 pq           | hash         | hash_pq_ops         | t          | =
 pq[]         | gin          | gin__pq_ops         | t          | && <@ @> =
 qset_ts      | btree        | qset_ts_ops         | t          | #<#
 rto          | btree        | rto_ops_equal       | t          | #<#
 rto[]        | gin          | gin__rto_ops        | t          | && <@ @> =
 ts           | btree        | ts_ops_equal        | t          | #<#
 ts           | btree        | ts_ops_identical    | f          | ==
 ts           | gist         | gist_ts_ops         | t          | < <= = >= >
 ts           | hash         | hash_ts_ops         | t          | =
(36 rows)
[1]The return type is always true or false, hence bn, though the standard specifies bl as return type.
[2]HL7v3 codesystems have OIDs with the prefix 2.16.840.1.113883.5