6. External Services

QueryBuilder makes use of several external services. Each of these must be either set up properly in the configuration file, for values that are valid for the whole QueryBuilder instance, or be provisioned during runtime, for values that are specific to a certain project.

6.1. Dataset Authorisation Service (DAS)

The DAS is configured for the QueryBuilder instance as a whole in the configuration file. See Configuration chapter for more info, specifically the settings starting with DAS_.

6.2. XAP Deidentification Server

The XAP Deidentification Server is configured for the QueryBuilder instance as a whole in the configuration file. See Configuration chapter for more info, specifically the settings starting with XAPDEID_.

6.3. Azure Blob Storage Export

Azure Blob Storage Export can be enabled or disabled for the QueryBuilder instance as a whole in the configuration file. See Configuration chapter for more info, specifically the settings starting with AZURE_.

The Azure Blob Storage Export targets themselves need to be provisioned on a per-project basis. This can be accomplished with HTTP methods or the CLI. In both cases, the following parameters are expected:

  "azure_blob_export": {
    "account_name": "test_account",
    "account_key": "test_key",
    "container_name": "test_container",
    "path": "test_path"

6.4. SFTP Export

SFTP Export can be enabled or disabled for the QueryBuilder instance as a whole in the configuration file. See Configuration chapter for more info, specifically the settings starting with SFTP_.

The SFTP Export targets themselves need to be provisioned on a per-project basis. This can be accomplished with HTTP methods or the CLI. In both cases, the following parameters are expected:

  "sftp_export": {
    "host": "test_host",
    "port": 22,
    "user": "test_user",
    "password": "test_password",
    "path": "test_path"